The CPS is dedicated to the destruction of the family unit. That, and federal funding is job one. They have no thought as to the assisting of a family in crises, imposing impossible conditions on unsuspecting parents who otherwise would have raised their children just fine. As I have often said, the death of one child is one too many, but the CPS seems to consider the deaths of hundreds of children is acceptable collateral damage . . .at this time!
The prevalence of pedophilia among CPS ranks is deplorable. Their halls team with sexual predators who use Their authority to assault children and more often than not if they are caught the incident is swept under the rug and the CPS finds some way to claim that the department wasn't involved at this time.
A series of successful lawsuits would effectively defund the CPS. And that's what it's all about, money. You stop the money and you will see the last of this monstrosity. But first we have to find at least one honest judge. I sat in the back of family court one afternoon, observing one particular judge issue rulings and every single parent or grandparent lost their kids. What's wrong with this picture? The case workers were so in tune with the judge, the outcome of each case was so orchestrated that the workers seemed bored. They would destroy one family, reach in their brief case, and pull out the next case. One particular case was an old Mexican grandfather struggling with broken English, trying to save his baby granddaughter. The pedophiles won that case too!
Because of my religious beliefs I cannot support abortion, but I do support family planning. I believe instead of funding the CPS we should take that money and provide free family planning services complete with any medicines needed, to any woman who doesn't feel she wants to raise a child. Completely shut down all payments to foster parents. If they want to adopt a child, fine, but raise the child as their own without monetary gain or "aging out!"
I am in total agreement with Jim Black on all his points. He's a bit more of a politician than I am. I view him as an Eisenhower, I'm more of a Patton. I hope in 2015 we will see the conclusion of this fight and the sovereignty of the Texas family will be restored. Until then please don't forget the thousands of kidnapped babies out there crying for their mommy. I never do!