Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Idiot's Guide To Seducing A 14 Year Old Girl

                                             This Is My Surprised Face
               or The Idiot's Guide To Seducing a 14 Year Old Girl
                                                       by Wilbur Witt

                                Please check out this news article

     When I call CPS caseworkers pedophiles, lesbians, homosexuals, murderers I take a lot of hits. I mention gas chamber executions and I look a bit like a Nazi. I understand that. Extraordinary crimes demand extraordinary solutions. Now I know as Americans, we will never lead masses of CPS personnel into a concrete room and gas them. I'm being facetious when I say things like that. What I'm trying to do is get your attention. Well, read that article cited above.  Now think about it. This vermin is trained in investigating sexual crimes against minors. This puts him in contact with children who have been sexually assaulted. He understands that these victims are vulnerable and sexually active. He is in a position of power andhe used that power to seduce at least one 14 year old girl. 

     I've mentioned this in many articles, but I want to highlight my views one more time. Consider a man who goes to school, gets the certifications, works cases and chooses to work with molested girls. I know, I know, the liberals out there will yell at me that he has the interest of children at heart, I cry bull! I met a lawyer who was a de lightem, ad lightem, or whatever lightem they call themselves, four years at UT, law school, cross the BAR, and he chooses to get a state job working with molested little girls. PEDOPHILE! You can smell it coming off of them. 

     This guy in the referenced article is a case in point, and he is not the exception, but rather the rule! And I want you to notice that it is never the CPS that catches these people, always law enforcement, and the CPS distances itself from the situation as quickly as possible. And stupid? Check into a motel to rape a child, and friends and neighbors this is not the first time I've seen this. I've seen this so much I'm beginning to think they get a discount rate due to their job status. And they choose their victims from a pool of children who are not likely to file a complaint. 

     Now here's the frightening part. How many little girls did this jerk molest before he got caught? This was not a one time deal. He was so relaxed he checked into the motel as if it was business as usual. Had sex with the girl TWICE! Now this wasn't consensual sex in the classic view, yet the girl submitted to what she thought was a person of authority. No doubt a system of threats to keep,her mouth shut. Now, I'm going to keep it clean, but if you have to con and threaten a 14 year old girl into sex, in my opinion you have a very small penis! I will expand thus logic a bit; if you threaten or con ANY woman into sex you are not much of a man!  

     And men (and women) like this are charged with the safety and protection of YOUR children! And trust me, everyone in their office knows what these people do and don't report it because they're doing it too! If you will note there is never an investigation initiated by the CPS. They don't want to lose that money they get for ransom. And they don't want to lose those sweet little motel dates either. 

     I referenced my gas chamber comments earlier in this article, and I'll admit that's a bit out there, but don't you think that even one case such as this would warrant at the very least shutting down THAT office, and bringing in the Texas Rangers or DPS to sort things out and run said office? When I was a little boy in Louisiana and something like this had happened, the men would have shown up at night and at the very least they would have horsewhipped this guy, and at most they would have hanged him! This is going to rub a lot of people,the wrong way, but they would have burned down the CPS office, too. And folks, this is what needs to happen. When that perv, or lesbian checks into that motel they need to understand that there is a cost for their actions. And they need to understand that this cost may very well be their life! They don't need to be gassed, they need to be hanged right in the street for all,the people to see, and show the children that this is what happens to people who hurt them. 

     So let's all watch how this case turns out. The director of the CPS will do the old soft shoe, and will distance the agency from the crime while the coworkers in the office will scramble to hide THEIR sexual contacts. Watch this closely people. You will see this play out. If you are a God fearing red blooded American you should be outraged. If you are a Texan you should listen to and join in the effort to form a new Republic with specific laws to deal with people like the man in the article cited above. 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Murder of One Little Girl

     In case you haven't noticed we have not put down the case of little Alex. Please see This is because her death exemplifies the state of the CPS. She was removed from her home because her father had smoked marijuana. Placed in foster care, she died shortly thereafter, murdered by the foster parent. 

     Think about that. Really think about that. A two year old baby girl beaten to death by some animal cleared and paid by the largest criminal organization in Texas. If she had been a dog the animal rights organizations would have gone nuts! She was a little girl, and the CPS was not involved, "at that time!"

     Am I the only one who is outraged by this. My own granddaughter, Puck, was very nearly killed by Cozetta Butler in Round Rock, Texas. The CPS ignored our contention that she was a type one diabetic and Cozetta consistently fed her sugar, keeping her locked in a room with no air conditioning, and no windows until she descended into a diabetic coma, waiting three days for her to die, and only then did they reluctantly inform my wife so that she could participate in the death watch. Puck pulled through, but the CPS insisted that since Butler had assumed responsibility as a foster parent the department wasn't involved, "at that time!" Butler had the audacity to ask later if she could include Puck on her income taxes! She was making so much income from housing state kidnapped children that she was planning an addition to her house so she could "help" more. 

     Butler is exactly the kind of vermin I fight so hard against. Puck survived, Alex did not. The foster parent of little Alex should be charged with first degree murder. This is because Alex was beaten, therefore the foster parent had free will and planning to do what was done. The case worker (s) should be charged with accessory, and ALL of them should be tried, sentenced and executed! 

     Do I shock you? Did I upset your breakfast? Let me ask you, what's one little girl worth? As I write this the CPS caseworker that assisted in the murder of little Alex has her doughnut and coffee, and plans what little girl she's going to kill next. She didn't actually do it, you say. Again, I remind you, not all Nazis fed the gas into the tanks of the concentration camps. Some just sat in Berlin and made sure all the Jews rounded up got on the right train, and made it to their final destination. 

     This foster parent is being brought up on charges. Please see, but that's not enough. We must include the caseworker and all supervisors who are attached to Alex's case. They all must pay! I think all of THEIR children should be removed because I have reason to believe they may not be safe living with someone who is a participant in the murder of a child. 

     This must stop! We, people like Jim Black, Bill Windsor, and a host of others, fight this every day, and the CPS would have you believe we are a fringe element, a small minority who go on and on about a small percentage of unfortunate events while the CPS continues to "help" countless others. Again, I ask you, what is the acceptable number of dead little girls" 

     The day of reckoning is coming. Jim is more civilized than I, and believes the organization can be improved, redirected if you will. In my opinion it would be easier to invite Hitler to a Bar Mitzvah! One day a single brick will fall from the CPS's whited seplecar and the wall will come a tumbling down, and on that day it will be. . . terrible! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Every Minute Another Child Dies

                                    The Ongoing Fight Against CPS 
                                                       by Wilbur Witt

     Sometimes it seems as if I'm a raging fanatic when I write about the CPS. I, myself notice this, but during my involvement with this criminal organization I have come to realize that there is no room for negotiation. There is no room for compromise. Just today I listened to a recording of a meeting sent to me by Thomas Evelia Bojo please listen , and I was disgusted! The calm, lying voice of the CPS worker reminded me of my constant comparison of CPS to Gestopo, "Der Chews are Der enimi!" the CHILDREN are the enemy when it comes to CPS!  For the CPS caseworker children are only a source of perverted pleasure, and cash. Lorena Flournoy, CPS caseworker, actually said, "When I picked up those kids it was everything I could do to keep from laughing out loud!" She was referring to MY grandchildren. She removed them from a mansion on an Arnold Palmer golf course, delivered them to a pedophile, and then to a woman who beat one almost to death (8 stitches), put another in ICU, (deprived of medication) and one pushed into a diabetic coma! She made this comment in what she thought was a safe area at CPS offices, only problem was she said it to one of our moles!

     Middle America never seems to grasp the enormity of the CPS problem. Like myself, they sincerely believe that the organization is there for the ultimate good of children. My own daughter in law has taken issue with me about my articles. She insists that she knows foster parents and they are fine people. These people keep children from their parents against their will. These people break apart families. I guess Ariel Castro is a fine person, too!

     The problem is that CPS is killing children every day! Every minute of every hour that we procrastinate children are dying. These people have. no morals, no conscience, and no remorse. They believe they have some mystic ability to identify right and wrong without rule of law! They are Nazis! 

     But, there is a Nuremberg coming. The Texas sunset law, the work of Angel Eyes Over Texas, the constant vigilance or Jim Black, and his associates, the non-stop efforts of Thomas Evelia Bojo and hosts of others has put these criminals on notice. We know the price because we have all paid the price. But we cannot let up because THEY will not let up! Only one faction can walk out of this ring. If it is the people, then Texan families will be safe, but if we lose it will be business as usual, and more children will die. The choice is simple, so simple, and I suppose, in that light I am a raging fanatic.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Restoration of the Texas Families

     My fight with CPS has, and always will be the complete annihilation of the Child Procurement System and prosecution of all caseworkers and foster parents who have committed crimes against families, and especially children in the state of Texas. A complete rebuild of the system is the only thing that will cure this issue. Anonymous calls, ignoring the constitution, the absolute won ton slaughter of Texas family structure is simply not acceptable. CPS case workers who lie in court, fabricate evidence, and illegally kidnap babies because of "reasons to believe" or concerns "at this time" can DO their time in Gatesville or Huntsville with the same people they have victimized for so long. 

     The CPS is dedicated to the destruction of the family unit. That, and federal funding is job one. They have no thought as to the assisting of a family in crises, imposing impossible conditions on unsuspecting parents who otherwise would have raised their children just fine. As I have often said, the death of one child is one too many, but the CPS seems to consider the deaths of hundreds of children is acceptable collateral damage . . .at this time! 

     The prevalence of pedophilia among CPS ranks is deplorable. Their halls team with sexual predators who use Their authority to assault children and more often than not if they are caught the incident is swept under the rug and the CPS finds some way to claim that the department wasn't involved at this time. 

     A series of successful lawsuits would effectively defund the CPS. And that's what it's all about, money. You stop the money and you will see the last of this monstrosity. But first we have to find at least one honest judge. I sat in the back of family court one afternoon, observing one particular judge issue rulings and every single parent or grandparent lost their kids. What's wrong with this picture? The case workers were so in tune with the judge, the outcome of each case was so orchestrated that the workers seemed bored. They would destroy one family, reach in their brief case, and pull out the next case. One particular case was an old Mexican grandfather struggling with broken English, trying to save his baby granddaughter. The pedophiles won that case too!

     Because of my religious beliefs I cannot support abortion, but I do support family planning. I believe instead of funding the CPS we should take that money and provide free family planning services complete with any medicines needed, to any woman who doesn't feel she wants to raise a child. Completely shut down all payments to foster parents. If they want to adopt a child, fine, but raise the child as their own without monetary gain or "aging out!" 

     I am in total agreement with Jim Black on all his points. He's a bit more of a politician than I am. I view him as an Eisenhower, I'm more of a Patton. I hope in 2015 we will see the conclusion of this fight and the sovereignty of the Texas family will be restored. Until then please don't forget the thousands of kidnapped babies out there crying for their mommy. I never do!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Psychological Effects of Removing Children From Their Homes

There are several psychological effects children can suffer if they are removed from their home. Whether it is a judgment by the state or a decision made by the family, the long- and short-term psychological damage can be detrimental to the child. The child could suffer from depression, separation anxiety, behavior disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder.
  1. Depression

    • When a child is separated from his family, depression may occur. Depression can cause a drop in school work, irritability, sleep issues, anger and emotional outbursts. In some occasions suicidal ideology or self-harm could manifest. Depression can be caused by a lack of organization or family cohesion. If separation or divorce occurs, or a child is forcibly removed from the environment he is used to, the sudden loss of people he depends on or loves can cause dramatic effects in personality and ability to cope with certain social situations. Depression can be treated with pharmaceuticals.

    Separation Anxiety

    • Four to 5 percent of children in 2011 suffer from separation anxiety. This disorder manifests when a young child is taken from her caregiver or parent. Minor anxiety occurs in infants when their parents leave the room. Usually the child gets over the anxiety when she realizes that the caregiver is going to return. Separating a child from her home who is predisposed to anxiety can carry on the disorder to later developmental years. A child suffering from this disorder will cry, become nervous and sometimes cannot adjust to the new environment no matter how nurturing that environment is. Counseling instead of medication is the best treatment for anxiety disorder.

    Behavior Disorders

    • Separation from a family could leave a child with behavior disorders. Oppositional defiance disorder, ODD, is common once a child has gone through a separation from family or a removal from a home. Defiance, questioning of rules, arguments with adults and vengeful statements are all signs of a behavior disorder. Psychotherapy is the recommended treatment for behavior disorders, and disorders or behaviors left unaddressed could become a conduct disorder. Suggestions for helping a child with a behavior disorder is to take timeouts or breaks if the child is showing negative behavior and to always look toward the positive of a situation.

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    • Children who are removed from their homes can be subject to post-traumatic stress disorder. Usually a child who goes through a stressful situation can recover quickly, but when a child goes through a traumatic event, such as witnessing violence or being pulled from her home, PTSD can develop. This can be a lifelong disorder where the child can display anger, fear, denial or horror. Psychotherapy and supplying the child with a circle of safety is the best treatment.

Copied from an ehow article.
Psychological Effects of Removing Children From Their Homes

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Home visits key to preventing child abuse

An article appeared earlier this month on the My San Antonio page.

While you would think this should fall under the “Dah” column you must first realize this is not part of the regular CPS program. This program falls under “Prevention and Early Intervention.” A program that was supposed to have moved out from under CPS to alongside when the “Flexible Response System of Service Delivery” philosophy was introduced way back in 1997. Something that NEVER happened.

You see, while Texas’ CPS system appears to be one of the best among the states; that is only on paper. DFPS is not operated the way their handbook indicates it was designed. The combination of huge turnovers in personnel and the lack of accountability has resulted in thousands of Texas children being over protected while thousands more are unprotected. The agency has lost and continues to lack a solid knowledge base of what it actually takes to protect children. The only way that will be corrected will be get them back into the handbook and relearn the basics. They must stop using the unwritten “Best Case Practices” their inexperienced supervisors are throwing at them. Our new caseworkers are not being properly trained and our Texas children are paying for it.

For example, let’s look at Investigations. The system was designed around their conducting “Intake Assessments” not actual investigations. After the initial contact, staffing with “Safety Services” is to take place the next day and no later than 5 days into the case. Then it is supposed to be a coordinated team effort between the FBSS and Investigations to determine the overall safety of the family, where FBSS insures the home is safe while Investigations takes care of things outside the home. Investigations is supposed to be wrapped up no later than 60 days then they are to move on to another case. This is the reason Investigation caseloads are spiraling out of control.

Look at the Tamryn Klapheke case out of Abilene in August 2012. The investigator closed the case after 11 months with no indication that FBSS was ever involved. While it is part of a FBSS caseworker’s job to check on a child at least once every 30 days, it is not the job of investigations. This child was not checked on over that extended period of time and it cost her life. Had the investigator followed the handbook, Tamryn may have been still alive today.

While the program in this article sounds good, it is currently only offered in the following counties: Cherokee County, Dallas County, Ector County, Gregg County, Nueces County, Potter County, and the lower Rio Grande Valley including Hidalgo and Willacy counties. So it is not readily available to all Texas families.

Then you have to deal with the fear factor. Texas families do not trust CPS. Very few are going to be willing to participate in programs that are a child process of CPS. Family services MUST be made CPS’ sibling. Let’s start using the system the way it was designed and not the way caseworkers want it to work. TEXAS WAKE UP.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Overall Disposition: Reason-to-believe

Over the week-end I was thinking about CPS and the manner in which they determine RTB. I was thinking about the 211 Texas children who died violent deaths in 2012. Of those 114 had prior CPS involvement. CPS failed 54% of these children.

I was thinking about burden of proof and how before 1999, Texas used the old  "some credible evidence." Which in most states is enough to  "substantiate", even if there is more evidence of innocence. But in 1999, Texas adopted "Preponderance of the Evidence" which must meet the 51/49% Rule.

At 54%, the PoE shows that for the allegation that CPS failed to protect 114 children should be RTB. Thus using §700.511(b)(1), the Overall Disposition is Reason-to-believe. No matter how much showing otherwise, using their standards. CPS overall, failed. RTB for all.

This is what they do with families. They come out for some BS allegation, but find some little something to get a RTB, which then automatically creates an overall disposition of RTB. This is how they pin bad allegations on  families.

Sadly, after 14 years, many investigators appear to be still using the old standard. As a result many children are put needlessly into the CPS system. In Texas it is roughly 39,000 children per year. 

 Which resulted in the following rule.

RULE §700.511

(a) Allegation dispositions. An allegation disposition is the finding made in the investigation about each individual allegation of abuse/neglect which was identified at intake or during the investigation.

  (1) Reason-to-believe. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, staff conclude that abuse or neglect has occurred.

  (2) Ruled-out. Staff determine, based on available information, that it is reasonable to conclude that the abuse or neglect has not occurred.

  (3) Unable to complete. Staff could not draw a conclusion whether alleged abuse or neglect occurred, because the family:

    (A) could not be located to begin the investigation or moved and could not be located to finish the investigation; or

    (B) was unwilling to cooperate with the investigation.

  (4) Unable-to-determine. Staff conclude that none of the dispositions specified in paragraphs (1) - (3) of this subsection is appropriate.

  (5) Administrative closure. Information received after a case was assigned for investigation reveals that continued Child Protective Services intervention is unwarranted as outlined in §700.507 of this title (relating to Investigation Interviews).

(b) Overall disposition. The overall investigation disposition is the summary finding about the abuse or neglect that was investigated. The overall disposition is derived from the individual allegation dispositions in the following manner:

  (1) Reason-to-believe. If any allegation disposition is "reason-to-believe," the overall case disposition is "reason-to-believe."

  (2) Ruled out. If all allegation dispositions are "ruled out," the overall case disposition is "ruled out."

  (3) Unable to complete. If any allegation disposition is "unable to complete" and no allegation disposition is "reason-to-believe" or "unable to determine," the overall investigation disposition is "unable to complete."

  (4) Unable to determine. If any allegation disposition is "unable to determine" and no allegation disposition is "reason to believe," the overall case disposition is "unable to determine."

  (5) Administrative closure. Decisions with regard to administrative closure are made at the case level as specified in §700.507 of this title (relating to Investigation Interviews). Therefore, all allegations must be disposed of by indicating that administrative closure has been selected. If any one allegation meets criteria for allegation dispositions as specified in paragraphs (1) - (4) of this subsection, a case is not eligible for administrative closure.