Wednesday, December 16, 2015


When I began my present career as a writer, as you may, or may not know, I was involved with fighting the CPS (Child Protective Services.) I knew very little about the department. Originally, I’d been a temporary foster home for children in transition, indeed, had been paid by the department for services rendered. As luck would have it my daughter in law became involved with CPS, and as a good “dad” I took up her cause. I’ve told you before that I’m allowed to be wrong twice a year, and brothers and sisters, Jackie was one of those times. The end product was I was divorced, my ex adopted the grandkids, and Jackie split to parts unknown.
While still stinging from my butt whipping I began to write for Angel Eyes Over Texas about CPS, and turned out some fairly good stuff. Basically, I was astounded by the lack of professionalism, and the complete ignorance of the Bill of Rights. I came up with several ideas during this time which floated up during the Sunset Commission, but I began to think that there was no hope. Children were dying, children were being lost, money was misappropriated, and all of this had nothing to do with Jackie. As her lifestyle drifted back to us, as a family, we began to see the true Jackie, and on both sides of the fence, all were glad that she was no longer part of the children’s lives.
My ex remarried, and began to raise the babies in Utah and Killeen. The reason for this was her new husband, Joe, was suffering from Agent Orange and had to constantly travel between Salt Lake and Austin to get treatment. He lost his battle in April of 2015, but not before he formally adopted all the children, and bestowed on them all of his benefits earned from his service to our country, and that service was beyond belief. Three bronze stars and a silver one, Purple Heart, the ol’ Sarge served his last mission and took the hill, leaving his “buddies” set for life.
My ex settled in Utah to raise the children. All was well, except for one little detail. Lying, greedy relations who saw gold in them thar hills, and when my ex had a heart attack, these vultures rose to the occasion, not to help, but to steal! The ex had three heart surgeries, none of which worked, and had to come back to Texas where there are real doctors to get fixed, which she did. A Utah CPS case had been filed on her while she was under the knife, and she drove herself, and the children to safety while bleeding.
Enter one Nacole Wyche! The Utah case followed down to Texas and Ms. Wyche was assigned the case. She’d met the kids before. She had a double degree, one in psychology, and most of all, she was from Killeen! Naturally, while pulling all the knives out of our backs, we were a bit rattled when she showed up. I’ll make a long story short. Nacole Wyche was the epitome of public servant. She was fair, caring, intelligent, and truly loved children. She cut right to the core, and while I won’t tell you details, I will say that maybe, just maybe, we’ve all turned a corner. Previous to this I’d been exposed to case workers who couldn’t even communicate in the English Language. Not Ms. Wyche! This woman should be a writer! In conclusion, I’d like to say, if the “department” is gaining people like Nacole, we just may be blessed!