Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Statue in the Park

The fight to align CPS with the civilized world is a long and hard one. History has shown again and again that once a person, or group of persons has a power base they tend not to let it go. And any bureaucracy will, with time, move farther and farther away from its original intent until the only evidence or that original purpose is only the name and that in itself is a heresy. 

Combine this with the same group of people who subscribe to what they perceive to be a mandate to change society so that it conforms with some utopian vision that exist nowhere but their crazy minds. Add a mantra, "It's all about the children," mix in the possibility of huge blocks of funding, immunity, and a dash of sexual divination and there you have it. Big Brother, National Socialism and Chairman Mao all rolled into one. Dante's perfect picture of hell!

With the willing cooperation of family court judges and shyster lawyers CPS has had a good, long run, longer even than Adolph Hitler and just as depraved and deadly. If it were one child, or two here and there, even that would not be acceptable, but that is not the case. The illegal removal of children, the trampling of the constitution, the rape and deaths of children, and the ultimate dissolving of the American family has become the norm, the 
benchmark of the Child Protective Services. And why do the American people allow this?

I don't have the time or the patience to enumerate all of the crimes, offenses and lies that have been generated by this organization. One of our problems is the masses of parents who have lost their children screaming for justice just look like bad parents with a bad case of sour grapes. We must get people involved with our cause who have not previously touched by the CPS. But the veiled threat is always there. "If you come at us we will destroy YOUR family,"  because it IS all about the children. YOUR children! No one is safe, and the sooner middle America realizes that the sooner we can fix this problem!

I know that some of you think that somehow, somewhere there are good CPS workers. I wish this were so, but it is not. I remind people every day that not all Nazis worked in the gas chambers. A lot of them worked in nice offices in Berlin keeping the body count and making sure the supply of ZYCLON D didn't run out. The nicest, smiling CPS lady, the one who comes to your parties, the one who helps you coach soccer, the one who helped you arrange your daughter's birthday party, that nice lady has wrenched a baby from a young mother's arms because it's all about the children!  Wake up! You are next!

So what do we do? First, and foremost we recognize among ourselves that there is basically nothing good about the current system. The last Sunset Commission proved that. Witness after witness paraded before them and all the CPS director had to say was, "Mistakes will be made!" The unspoken truth was they need to hide the bodies a little better next time. Take the blinders off. Know these people for what they really are. Don't trust them, don't cooperate with them and let everyone you know who they are and what they do! The same with foster parents. They are just one more branch of the evil machine. They are not nice people who are trying to help, they have assisted in the destruction of an American family. Little Johnny will never see his mother again because they put in an order for a blonde haired, blue eyed little boy. The Fuhrer would  be so proud!

Next, we legislate! We destroy the system that has perpetuated this atrocity. We force CPS to abide by the law, and not just when we catch them lying and stealing but all the time. And put real penalties for those caught misusing the system. Real jail. Real cotton fields and real prison yards! Have watchdog agencies to monitor the actions of Family Court judges and when a disproportionate number of children are removed by that judge, then that judge should be impeached and jailed!  I sat and watched court proceedings just one day and the judge removed one hundred percent of the children brought before her.  I never saw a colder, more unfeeling animal in my life. She literally fed from the human misery she helped to perpetuate.  God forgives, I don't!

Then track down, arrest, and incarcerate all criminals from the old CPS system. No statute of limitations. No probation and no plea bargains! Just good old fashioned justice. But before we can do this we must sway the hearts and minds of mainstream America. We must make them see and what they eventually see will be so horrific, so alien, so damning that hopefully when it's all over no child will every be subjected ever again to the abomination we have come to know as the CPS!

I wish that one day there is a statue on the Capitol grounds in Austin. A stone bench with an old man sitting on it. Beside him there's a little girl, looking up at him, holding an ice cream cone, and on the base the words, "In memory of the unknown child," to honor all the babies who were forever lost to the CPS killing machine.