or The Idiot's Guide To Seducing a 14 Year Old Girl
by Wilbur Witt
Please check out this news article
When I call CPS caseworkers pedophiles, lesbians, homosexuals, murderers I take a lot of hits. I mention gas chamber executions and I look a bit like a Nazi. I understand that. Extraordinary crimes demand extraordinary solutions. Now I know as Americans, we will never lead masses of CPS personnel into a concrete room and gas them. I'm being facetious when I say things like that. What I'm trying to do is get your attention. Well, read that article cited above. Now think about it. This vermin is trained in investigating sexual crimes against minors. This puts him in contact with children who have been sexually assaulted. He understands that these victims are vulnerable and sexually active. He is in a position of power andhe used that power to seduce at least one 14 year old girl.
I've mentioned this in many articles, but I want to highlight my views one more time. Consider a man who goes to school, gets the certifications, works cases and chooses to work with molested girls. I know, I know, the liberals out there will yell at me that he has the interest of children at heart, I cry bull! I met a lawyer who was a de lightem, ad lightem, or whatever lightem they call themselves, four years at UT, law school, cross the BAR, and he chooses to get a state job working with molested little girls. PEDOPHILE! You can smell it coming off of them.
This guy in the referenced article is a case in point, and he is not the exception, but rather the rule! And I want you to notice that it is never the CPS that catches these people, always law enforcement, and the CPS distances itself from the situation as quickly as possible. And stupid? Check into a motel to rape a child, and friends and neighbors this is not the first time I've seen this. I've seen this so much I'm beginning to think they get a discount rate due to their job status. And they choose their victims from a pool of children who are not likely to file a complaint.
Now here's the frightening part. How many little girls did this jerk molest before he got caught? This was not a one time deal. He was so relaxed he checked into the motel as if it was business as usual. Had sex with the girl TWICE! Now this wasn't consensual sex in the classic view, yet the girl submitted to what she thought was a person of authority. No doubt a system of threats to keep,her mouth shut. Now, I'm going to keep it clean, but if you have to con and threaten a 14 year old girl into sex, in my opinion you have a very small penis! I will expand thus logic a bit; if you threaten or con ANY woman into sex you are not much of a man!
And men (and women) like this are charged with the safety and protection of YOUR children! And trust me, everyone in their office knows what these people do and don't report it because they're doing it too! If you will note there is never an investigation initiated by the CPS. They don't want to lose that money they get for ransom. And they don't want to lose those sweet little motel dates either.
I referenced my gas chamber comments earlier in this article, and I'll admit that's a bit out there, but don't you think that even one case such as this would warrant at the very least shutting down THAT office, and bringing in the Texas Rangers or DPS to sort things out and run said office? When I was a little boy in Louisiana and something like this had happened, the men would have shown up at night and at the very least they would have horsewhipped this guy, and at most they would have hanged him! This is going to rub a lot of people,the wrong way, but they would have burned down the CPS office, too. And folks, this is what needs to happen. When that perv, or lesbian checks into that motel they need to understand that there is a cost for their actions. And they need to understand that this cost may very well be their life! They don't need to be gassed, they need to be hanged right in the street for all,the people to see, and show the children that this is what happens to people who hurt them.
So let's all watch how this case turns out. The director of the CPS will do the old soft shoe, and will distance the agency from the crime while the coworkers in the office will scramble to hide THEIR sexual contacts. Watch this closely people. You will see this play out. If you are a God fearing red blooded American you should be outraged. If you are a Texan you should listen to ragingelephantsradio.com and join in the effort to form a new Republic with specific laws to deal with people like the man in the article cited above.