Friday, January 24, 2014

Welcome to Texas (Hide Your Kids)

Welcome To Texas
(Hide Your Kids)
By Wilbur

Well, friends and neighbors we have struck a new low. Some time ago I saw a funny picture on Facebook. It was the usual greeting sign that we see at our borders as you enter Texas, but someone had Photoshopped it and made light of our CHL, prisons, etc, and actually it made me proud. Well, add another line, “By entering the State of Texas you relinquish your children.”

A lady, I'll call her Bonnie, came to Texas on a trip. During this trip she and her husband camped at a site and subsequently got bitten by chiggers. Darnedest thing I ever saw. Chiggers in Texas. Seems they got an infection and both had to go to the hospital. Enter the CPS. Of course this is an old story. The DOCTOR apparently notified the CPS because he had “concerns.” Now Bonnie and her husband were under antibiotics, drugs and constant care so when the CPS showed up they genuinely thought help was on the way. Problemo! Three little blonde haired kids. (See where this is going folks?) Kids got picked up, and without boring you with all the details, eventually Bonnie lost all of them!

Now, these people were not citizens of the State of Texas. They were passing through. What message does this send to other states. Well, it's plain as nose on your face. Do not visit Texas if you have children. We will steal them. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter where you're going. All that matters is that some Doctor has a “concern” and some case worker has a quota to fill. I fight all the time trying to make the Republic of Texas look like a good idea, but this kind of behavior makes us look like the biggest bunch of redneck, inbred, bunch of fools it defies logic. If I'm in California and someone hits me with something like this I just have to look down at my drink and shut my mouth.

I did an article called, “Time Was,” not long ago. Well, I missed something. Time was, when someone tried to steal your kids you just shot 'em! Now Bonnie was living on the road, ok? She was staying in parks as she traveled, ok? She was working her way through Texas, ok? But, why take her kids. You could use that criteria and take every Mormon kid that ever followed their parents to Utah. Heck, my own FAMILY. Silas Witt and his wagon train coming to Texas in 1871, but you see folks, there was a big difference back then. Brigham Young or Silas Witt would take care of business if you mess with family!

Am I the only one outraged by this? Am I the only one who believes in the sanctity of the family? The CP:S puts people in insane situations and then sets traps for them. And forget about the Ad Litem, De Litem, and all the other Litems, they are just CPS pawns in a game of snatch and run. Ask yourself; what makes a person go through all that is required to be a lawyer, and folks my hat is off to anyone who does that, and then goes to work for the state? Their drive is so low they can't even do divorces. And to actually go before a judge and argue a legitimate point of law? Shut the front door! I have more respect for a pimp than I do for any lawyer who associates with the CPS at any level, indeed, I would suspect such creatures as being pedophiles.

Is all of this going to help Bonnie? No. They HAVE the kids. They HAVE the federal money. Now they are not involved, “At this tiiiiiime!” They move on to the next case, the next kidnapping, the next rape, the next murder. Whenever any CPS worker meets me they always say they are in fear for their lives, and they are right. Any time you steal a child I am your worse nightmare, and when it comes to CPS I have the conscience of a rather mature cucumber. These people aren't human, they are animals. I see people all the time falling for the “good” caseworker, the “good investigator,” the “good” what EVER!! None of them are good people! If you worked with the Nazis as a clerk, could you in good conscience work there knowing about the death chambers? Then ask yourself, if even a receptionist at any given CPS office overhears atrocities like the one above how does she justify coming to work the next day?

People have lost their salt. Time was if something like this happened the men would show up with baseball bats and storm the CPS office. And those people inside would know the wrath of the people. Time was the ropes would be slung over tree limbs and justice would be done. Time was when if the governor caught wind of this type of behavior he/she would USE this as great political power to insure the success of the party simply because he/she would do the right thing, which is to suspend the entire CPS, hunt the caseworkers down, jail or execute them and put a monument on the Capitol grounds in Austin of a little girl with the inscription, “In Memory of the Unknown Child, Lest we Forget!”

As I have said before I lost my soul a long time ago to hate. When I die I WANT to go to hell, just so I can watch them all burn. . . at that TIIIIIIME! Please pray for Bonnie.


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