Friday, August 17, 2012

Time is Children's Lives!

Something has come to my attention in the last three days that disturbs, and angers me. Now, I don’t name names, or use my words lightly, but the person, or persons responsible for these actions know who they are. First off I’d like to remind everyone that we are at war.  Jim sent me facts and figures a few weeks ago that he requested I use in an article and the number of dead babies was unbelievable. Texas CPS is killing children as we speak.  Children are dying right now even as I write this.  This is unacceptable.  Any reasoning or explaining away something like that is crazy. 

Citing the above statement you can readily understand that we must keep together as a group.  Infighting, squabbling, hacking, lying, or anything other than complete focus on the task at hand is not acceptable.  There are two major events coming up, one in Houston that I hope to attend, and another that is world wide. The people have had enough!  This nation, indeed the world, is about to rise in revolution and route the vermin that have turned our precious children into a cash crop for pedophiles. 

Now, without naming names, or threatening I say this: if you discover someone trying to destroy someone’s efforts, either here, or other sites, or publicly, shun them!  I don’t care how bad their case is, I don’t care how much they “reason,” walk away from them, and wipe the dust from your feet.  Every distraction to our cause will cost time, and time, my friends is children’s lives! 

Now, I’ve said time, and time again that I’d just a simple ol’ boy from Austin, and I am.  I believe firmly in the cowboy way.  I don’t believe in mental illness, I don’t believe in people blaming their parents for their actions, I believe when someone gets too far out of line you slap ‘em!  If they don’t straighten up then you just didn’t slap ‘em hard enough!  I will not waste my time fighting people who want to gossip, or argue while the children of Texas are being kidnapped, raped, and murdered. 

There are particular people I am addressing, and you know who you are.  My suggestion is that you re-evaluate your motives and realize that each time you slow the wheels of our revolution you kill another child. 

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