Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Got a message from an old friend this morning, a lady in New Jersey whom I have known for a very long time. She is Islamic. Over the years she has chatted with me online, beginning back when online was not something people even understood. always respectful, always talking about her faith. Over the years I acquired several Qu’rans, and I read them. Even though I was Christian, I read the passages with great understanding. The understanding of that culture came to me.

When I became in this fight with the CPS I had a burning desire to beat them, more than normal. Something was driving me. I began to realize what it was. When Christians hear the word “Jihad” they conjure up images of bombed buildings and crazy Moslems screaming, “Allah” at the top of their lungs. That is not the case. Jihad is “Holy War.” Anything that is unholy, mean, unfair, or downright cruel to people requires Jihad. Jihad is what I have declared on the CPS.

Imagine a group of people, or an organization that is so base, so mean, so low, that it has decided to declare war on families, and more than that, children! That is unholy people. These people do not have the privilege to live among civilized men and women. These people have given up the right to exist. These people require, “Jihad.”

I advocate nothing less than the total destruction of the entire CPS system, its writings, its culture and its memory. I fight for the day when children read of it in schoolbooks and believe that the stories are fairy tales because surely nothing like that ever existed. I fight for the day when all families are safe from the knock on the door, and all children sleep in their beds at night, with mommy and daddy in the next room with the comfortable knowledge that in the morning they will all still be there and life will be good. I do not negotiate. I do not understand. I do not have “reasons to believe!”

I know these words are hard for some of you to digest. When I read letters and cases from around the world of CPS atrocities it makes me very angry and ill. I read about seventeen children killed in a war in Syria, and I am disturbed, but on the same day I read about hundreds of raped, murdered, and displaced children, thanks to the CPS and I become outraged! Jihad!

When this war is over, if we leave one of them untouched they will rise again. CPS is a gross error that must be addressed. There are NO “good” caseworkers. They are all part of the same system, and if they are “good” then get OUT. NOW! In my other essays I have shown ways to replace the CPS. There are always methods to protect children and help families.

Ask yourself; if a single mother were raising three children on a waitress’s pay and all of them came down with the flu, and someone called the CPS to check out the situation, would they send a nurse and a woman to help this mother through the week until she got back to work? You know they wouldn’t. You know what would happen. THAT is what is wrong with the CPS! That is why we cannot allow this gang to exist among us. In honor of my little friend in New Jersey. . . God Wills It!

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