Monday, July 2, 2012

Profiles of Depravity

Profiles Of Depravity The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health. The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology. Among its many uses, it is perhaps best known as the personality test that is used in conjunction with Secret and Top Secret security clearances required for many positions within United States federal agencies that incur an extensive responsibility for life and property, such as the Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Aviation Administration. In all my years of work with both the Texas Dept of Corrections and the CPS, when placed one upon the other there is no difference between a child killer and a CPS caseworker!  Name Withheld by request Four hours before sunrise on a foggy Sacramento night, a woman's wail pierced the silence of a suburban street. Flames crackled to life. Neighbors awakened, and some rushed outside. Others watched from their windows. "My baby, my baby," the woman howled in the darkness. At 3:27 a.m. on Jan. 11, 2008 – seven minutes after the first emergency call – Engine 15 from the Sacramento Fire Department was first to arrive at the stucco home on Sweet Pea Way. There, a neighbor with a garden hose already had made the sickening discovery. A 4 1/2-year-old child lay dead on the living room floor, her tiny body grotesquely burned. This was where Amariana Antoinette Crenshaw, a little girl with big brown eyes who loved to dance, ended her journey through the child welfare system. She had spent more than half of her short life being protected by Sacramento County, taken from her biological parents and placed into foster care. Now she was dead, the victim of what a deputy county attorney would later describe as a "random act of violence" and an "unforeseeable, unpreventable tragedy." On the second anniversary of Amariana's death, police still have no suspects, and a spokesman says their criminal investigation has stalled. But a Bee investigation raises new questions about how the child wound up in harm's way, despite being surrounded by legal protectors from the county, the state, the juvenile court, her foster-family agency and, of course, her foster mom. Foster children are endangered by being placed in incompetent out-of-home care by CPS social workers. Rather than helping parents resolve their issues while keeping families intact, CPS social workers rush to rip children out of the homes God gave them, placing them in state custody foster warehouses in order to get federal funding streams started. Consequently children’s lives are being endangered as many people hired as foster “parents” don’t care for them in foster homes as well as loving relatives could.   This week a former foster “parent” was convicted of “injury to a child” in the death of a three-year-old foster child in North Texas in 2005. NORTH COLLEGE HILL, OH (FOX19) – Job and Family Services and the North College Hill Police Department are investigating the death of a 7-month-old foster child. Brian Gregg, a spokesman with Job and Family Services tells FOX19 the Child, Ty’ionna Barfield, died in her foster home on February 18th. Police were called to the foster home just before 10 p.m. on the 18th after a report that Ty’ionna was not breathing. An officer performed CPR on the child until emergency workers got there and took over. The infant died in the home. The child had been placed in the foster home just two weeks earlier. According to Gregg, the cause and manner of death has not been released at this time. According to a prepared statement from Job and Family Services, Ty’ionna was placed into a Lighthouse Youth Services foster home on February 4th and was visited by a worker from Lighthouse the following day. The statement also states the child was visited four days later, then again on February 11th, and was then seen by a pediatric nurse on February 14th. In a statement, Moira Weir, Director of Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services says, “We are working closely with investigators to get to the bottom of this matter as quickly as possible, for the sake of the family, the agency and this community.” Since the infant’s death, the other children living in the foster home have been removed until the investigation is completed The death of 4-year-old Emma Thompson has enraged the Houston community. According to news reports, Emma’s mother ignored the abuse of her own child, denied it to the authorities and attempted to hide it by super-gluing her baby’s skull together. This “gifted nurse” claimed Emma’s injuries were self-inflicted and that she had contracted genital herpes from a dirty toilet seat. Neighbors and others who suspected abuse should have notified the authorities, something required of all Texans over the age of 18. But, judging by their comments on the story on the Houston Chronicle’s Web site, Houstonians have reserved their strongest criticism for Child Protective Services. The agency, which was fully aware that Emma had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, failed to remove her from the home. This tragedy is not an isolated example of poor judgment but the result of a conscious decision by CPS to leave this child in the home. CPS spokesperson Estella Olguin explained that “a sexually transmitted disease alone is not enough to put a 4-year-old into protective custody.” If Emma’s STD and her mother’s inconsistent stories about its origin weren’t enough to trigger a thorough investigation and removal by CPS, what sort of evidence does it need? Some historical context. In May 1987, following the murder of 2-year-old Jesse Wheeler, a poster boy for how the system has failed victims of child abuse, Justice for Children was formed by a group of concerned citizens tired of seeing preventable deaths of the very young in our community. Later that year, these same Houstonians convinced the Texas Senate to conduct statewide hearings into the problems at CPS. The 1989 Senate report stated that “70 percent of the confirmed cases involved children who were left in their homes and who needed ongoing supervision and assistance from the department. In reality, only about half of these cases were assigned to a caseworker. The remaining 49 percent, or 9,800 confirmed cases, were closed immediately after the investigation … ” In 1991, the Texas Senate Finance Committee found that “[y]ears of studies costing millions of dollars have been devoted to this program without tangible results. The immense problems and substantial improvements required cannot be achieved realistically in an agency with so many competing priorities.” Also in 1991, a report by the Texas Performance Review Team found: “The mission of the social worker is to rehabilitate and preserve the family.” It went on to say, “on the other hand, the mission of an investigator is to determine if the abuse occurred and remove the victim from the situation if necessary. Maintaining the functions in the same agency makes … a nearly impossible situation in which to maintain objectivity and focus.” On July 2, 2004, Gov. Rick Perry issued an executive order requiring the Office of the Inspector General of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to conduct an investigation of CPS. The inspector general’s report noted that: “When abuse or neglect was indicated in the file, only 30 percent of the time did CPS caseworkers implement the appropriate safety steps for the short-term protection of the child, only 71 percent of the time were the steps appropriate to protect the child from further abuse and neglect and only 27 percent of the time, when there was imminent threat to the health and safety of any child in the home, was the child actually removed from the threat to prevent further abuse, neglect, or physical abuse, neglect, or physical harm to the child.” Twenty-three years after Jesse Wheeler’s death, innumerable studies, and adverse reports, we are still fighting the same fight. I could not care less that CPS feels they are damned if they remove a child and damned if they don’t. According to the last National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, of the 1 million annual cases where CPS confirmed abuse and neglect, 72 percent were closed without ever removing the children. By comparison, the number of children who have been murdered as a result of being removed from a home subsequently deemed safe is a big fat zero. Tired of reading? I could go on forever!  When I accuse CPS of heinous crimes I'm not kidding people. When I categorize them as animals I'm on point. When I want to hold them accountable for every dead child I'm not playing games and they damn well KNOW it! They hate me and they fear me because I go for their throats every time. I don't believe a word they say and I want to give them exactly what they have given children. I know them for what they are and I will destroy them for it.  The CPS always says they have a thankless job and they are right. Thank you for nothing but kidnapping, rape, murder and a wealth of human misery that you have brought down upon the American people to the point that we all need to cry HAVOC, and put a quick and violent end to this whole sorry mess.  Yet we persist. Why do we persist? We persist because even with children's bodies piling up at our very doors we simply cannot believe what we are seeing. Well Google it. Look at it. Immerse yourself in it and know that it will keep on keeping on until We The People demand that it stop! Charges must be filed. Caseworkers and their puppet judges must be jailed and the entire child  procurement system must be dismantled NOW!  I saw a case two years ago where a CPS worker picked up a teenage girl and raped her in a Holiday Inn on the way to the foster home. My God! Am I the only one who is made sick by this? Am I the only one who can understand that this system might be just a little bit broken? Governor Perry should declare an immediate seizure of all CPS funds and declare a  moratorium on all removal of all children from homes pending a senate Investigation and indictments of all person or persons within that department guilty of crimes against humanity, and yes boys and girls that is an international charge with a very stiff penalty.   Now Mr Perry won't do this and I will tell you why. He won't move on it because he, like most of mainstream America doesn't think we  have a problem. That is why you must write to him and tell him.  Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428 He is not a stupid man. I don't care what you think about his last Presidential debate. Rick Perry is perhaps the best leader we have ever had. So why does he not see this issue? He doesn't see it because he is busy keeping the state of Texas the leader in success stories during the greatest economic upheaval we've ever known, that's why. Just like Mr and Mrs Middle America his plate is full. But he is a consummate politician and once he sinks his teeth into a problem he will solve it.  Write him. Write today. Send him a copy of this essay if you want but let him know. Let him know that the great state of Texas will not tolerate perverts, rapists, and murderers running rampant in our state. Let him know that Texas should be the leader in the protection of Texas children and not the persecutor of good, Christian, hard working families.  His will be done! 

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