Sunday, July 1, 2012

Never Fight CPS From Your Heart

When you come into contact with the CPS never fight with your emotions. They count on that. CPS workers are void of all human feeling. They feed on human misery. Lorena Flounoy, a caseworker, Williamson County, Texas said referring to the abduction of my grandchildren, "It was everything I could do not to laugh out loud.". Let us consider that statement. The forced removal of five healthy babies, with family in Texas going back to 1845, living in a 4000 square foot house on an Arnold Palmer golf course with their grandparents and mother was funny to her! She paid back America on that day! And she placed them in a home with a pedophile and ultimately with a lesbian who put them in an unairconditioned room while one went into diabetic coma and another suffered twenty five seizures and she laughed! Now, I don't know what your definition of  "animal" is, but if you need one please see the above.  And most middle class Americans still believe the CPS is all about the children and that foster care is par excellence  for children seized by the CPS.  My daughter in law told me,  "Now dad, you know the state will take better care of those children than where they are now." I literally bit my tongue and calmly went to the bath to spit the blood out. I watched Dr Phil on several occasions and he repeatedly made the statement, "I am referring this to the Child Protective Services and those fine folks will. . ." Will what Dr Phil? Deprive a child of its medication and kill it to hide molestation by a CPS foster parent or worse a CPS supervisor? Dr Phil why don't you have a few mothers on your show who have lost their children to CPS? Maybe Amy Charron or dare I say, Jackie. Why don't you look into their eyes and make that same asinine statement? But don't sit too close to them. I don't think they will understand. At Nuremberg one of the prosecutors said, "when did this go wrong? It went wrong when the first innocent person went to the showers." What could be more innocent than a three year old little girl?  A child ripped from her mother's arms in the middle of the night. A child subsequently raped by a full grown man. Did you know that such a thing was physically possible, I didn't. Then deprived of her medicine until she died so that the "Department" would not be embarrassed. And it's more than one people. It's a lot more than one. We had an idea to place little white crosses on the the easement in front of every CPS office to remember the dead children but there wasn't enough room. There wasn't enough ROOM! Are we all crazy? Have we grown so complacent that such events are "business as usual?" Do we deserve to survive as a species while we sit idly by and discuss the finer points of law as that little girl draws her last breath? I read an article yesterday where a father here in Texas caught w man raping his five year old daughter. He beat his brains out. He beat his brains out and the sheriff and the grand jury said, "Good Job!". Can the ultimate end of the CPS be any different?  And I know there are some of you who believe there are "good" CPS workers, but I remind you again; not all Nazis worked in the death camps. Some sat quietly in Berlin and kept the books. So remember when that kindly old lady is sitting with you in your living room she works for the organization that is hell bent on kidnapping, raping, and killing your child. And remember, don't deal with your emotions. You are not alone and we will win.  

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