Sunday, July 1, 2012

What The CPS Hotline REALLY Is

Whenever someone calls the CPS Hotline the CPS is obligated to investigate the alleged charge. No matter how ludicrous, no matter how contrived, no matter what the true motive of the caller may be. And why is this?  Well, officially it's all about the children or that's what they would have us believe. But what about when a call comes in that said child is being beaten in the front yard and the CPS has to hurry only to find upon arrival that the family has been on vacation for over a week and the neighbors are picking up newspapers and watching the house. What will the highly trained caseworker do then? Why, leave a card so the family can be thoroughly investigated when they return from their Caribbean cruise. And, of course, this will entail all the questioning, isolation of the children, drug tests and all the other methods that have so endeared the CPS to the civilized world.  The real reason they do this is to gather continuing product for the Foster Adopt machine because if there is only a one percent chance of procuring a heathy adoptable child the CPS cannot pass that up. When I was taking classes with the CPS we filled out menus of what we would like in a child. The instructor told us to broaden out selections because since the Mormons had beaten the CPS in court "product" was in short supply so we had to lower our standards a bit to assure delivery of product even if the package was below the standard we originally ordered.  Does this disturb you? If you had been in that room it would have really disturbed you. One flagrant homosexual who naturally wanted a preteen boy, a transvestite, and minister and his wife who were actually drooling over the selections. By the way, you'll be happy to know that the homosexual got his little boy.  I've said time and time again that I cannot say here what I want to say because there are laws governing such statements but I'm from Austin Texas, YOU fill in the blanks!  When I began my fight I launched a campaign to implicate any case worker who placed a child in a situation whereupon that child was harmed or killed. And yes, I considered punishment right up and to include capital punishment because I believe that then and only then will we be able to get the attention of the animals that call themselves the Child Protective Services. I wanted them to see the stretcher wheeled out of Huntsville prison with a dead CPS caseworker on it and be able to say, "This is the cost!  You didn't cry when you let a pedophile rape and murder a five-year old little girl, why do you cry now?" The department can't be held responsible because, we weren't involved because, we were not made aware because......  Because we had already stolen and sold that child and we had moved onto other projects.  The death of a child. My friend Mike lost his Luke to this system. I cannot begin to imagine his pain. I can't fathom it. A human soul's not equipped to hold such pain. Death is blessed release.  He moves forward, I don't know how. I couldn't. Like I said, I can't tell you what I would do if I ever held Puck's dead body at the hands of the CPS because there are laws restricting me.  The CPS is the most unholy organization the world has ever known. An organization existing solely to steal, rape, sell, and kill children, our most precious asset. There are occasions where a CPS worker or foster parent will be at a function I attend and I will quietly excuse myself. I will not look upon this vermin and eat and drink as if there is nothing wrong because I know that most likely before that party the worker had wretched a child from its mothers arms and right then, even while she smiled and made light conversation she would be scanning the guests children for her next...PRODUCT.

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