Monday, December 31, 2012

Sandy Hook and the Texas 231

Now I am not minimizing the deaths of the children in Sandy Hook. As I wrote previously my eyes will never dry, but I would like to point something out. A statistic, if you will. Twenty babies lost their lives. Now folks, I have stopped reading the reports, stopped looking at the pictures because frankly, I just can't take it! I am weak! To stare into to face of a six year old girl who was shot eleven times with an assault rifle is beyond my ability to accept.

But, I want to show you something, and after I do I'll assure you that you will never be the same. Twenty. Maybe one classroom. All babies, all dead. I have seen a mass shooting. I saw Luby's in Killeen, Texas. And people, it ain't like in the movies. If you ever see what a gun can do to an adult human body you will lose your soul. You will no longer be human because that is the most pungent imposition of PTSD you will ever see! Now, imagine its a child. I won't give you the details because honestly, you can't stand it. It will make you crazy.

But think about the number twenty. Now, imagine seven classrooms. All of the children in those rooms. Picture all of them laid out in the hallway covered with sheets. The total number would be 231. Suppose there was a daycare facility also so the ages range from six months to about eight years. Got that visualization? Ok, that's how many children were killed just this year while in foster care courtesy of the CPS!

And you rarely hear about it. When it does get reported the "department" quickly absolves itself, dodges phone calls and disappears. But that's a real number people. That's not Alex Jones conjuring up fictitious globalists firing up FEMA camps in the desert, or some gun nut screaming that SWAT teams are going to kick in your door for your grandpa's shot gun, that is a real number from a real report put out by the state of Texas.

When a madman storms into a school we are all shocked. We resolve to do something about guns, school security, mental illness, but ultimately we are not personally responsible for the event. But when we allow a criminal organization that we pay for with our tax dollars to murder over and over and over again we are responsible. Each and every one of us takes responsibility for every one of those 231 children. And I haven't seen anyone doing a press conference wiping a politically correct tear out of his eye.
By Wilbur

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Lights for Angels

As Christmas approaches everyone's hearts turn toward family. Separation Anxiety sets in. For many it is the separation of those in the Armed Services, Collage or simply those who live elsewhere that can not make it home for Christmas. Then there's the ones who've been separated through divorce or death. The ones that I hurt most for are those separated by the Child Protective System.

These are the people who hurt most this time of year. Not only do they stress over the separation, but also where are the children. Are the children in a truly safe environment? Are their needs being met? How bad are they hurting and longing for their parents?

For this reason, we seek to build awareness to a very broken system. Close to half of the children in foster care do not belong there. More often than not they are there because some overworked, understaffed, underfunded agency chose to "Error on side of caution." These families are forever damaged. They need our prayers.

On December 15, 2012, buy "Glow" sticks, necklaces and other products to wear and display on this evening. Wear them around you necks. Hang them from your car mirror. The mirror of your motorcycle. Please help build awareness.

Color Graph:
BLUE - No case but recognizes the CPS system is in need of repair.
GREEN - Have had a case & successfully gotten out of the system.
YELLOW - Currently working Safety Services
ORANGE - Children in Temporary Custody.
PINK - Children permanently removed without terminating parental rights.
RED - Parental Rights Terminated, Child eligible for adoption.
(These colors are available at Party City and Walmart)

When we first chose to do this we wanted it to be a bit of a color graph to show the stages of involvement. This does not have to be. I personally have purchased several of the 8-pack assorted light sticks from Walmart for $2.98/pack. Necklaces are 97¢ and bracelets are 3 for 97¢. The cost is almost nothing.

We have been promoting this internationally as a Facebook event:

In Houston we are planning to gather downtown at:

Harris County Jury Plaza
1201 Congress
Houston Texas

A few other cities are planning events but I have not gotten conformation on locations. We do ask that should you participate. Please take pictures and post them to the "Angel Eyes over Texas" fan page.

Thank you for your support.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

iJackie vs the CPS

“The most scariest thing in the world is when the man facing you is standing there flat-footed taking careful aim.”  (Willie Nelson from the movie, “Barbarosa.” )

Our family went through the worst of times.  We went from the highest mountain to the lowest valley on a bobsled.  One day we were eating dinner in the Country Club and the next we were trying to justify ourselves to a bunch of poorly educated perverts in the Child Procurement Services, trying to defend the most basic fundamentals of the American Family.  We were under the silly idea that we lived in America.  We thought that all you had to do to get along was make money, raise your kids clean and safe and pay taxes. We were wrong!

Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts.  People come in all shapes and sizes, and all different backgrounds, ambitions, and dreams.  Ours was simple.  We had been in country music for 42 years.  We had some success, and in fact purchased homes with our success.  Five of them.  Three in Georgetown, Texas in Berry Creek, all situated on a golf course so we could have different views for different seasons.  The main house was known as the “Chrismas House,” because we had a 16 foot tree that went up every year.  Jackie called it, “The Christmas Tree from hell.” We had parties on the porch and the neighbors would come over and enjoy the free concerts.  Jackie would play piano at the club, and all the old people enjoyed it.  Our children, and grandchildren were all members of the country club and all played golf (yes even the babies, they had a golf pro.) 

When Lorena Flournoy came into our main home all of this made her mad!  This rag-a-muffin, high school educated, illiterate “Case Worker” couldn’t STAND anyone enjoying success and life and by GOD she was going to put an end to it. She just KNEW we had to be drug traffickers, because where SHE grew up the only people SHE knew who weren’t on welfare sold crack!  The cup of coffee in a china cup, the rose smells throughout the house, in fact the detective sleeping upstairs after a get-together made her no difference at all, she had, “Reason To Believe!”  And, it was all about the children.

Now the children were upstairs, in the media room, watching Sponge Bob on a huge Plasma TV. They had their own cold drinks and a sandwich bar, but that didn’t matter to Lorena.  She was more concerned with Jackie smoking a morning cigarette on her porch while she had coffee and watched the golfers go by.

All families have a black sheep, and sadly, we did too. My son, Timmy was (and is) a drug addict.  The huge amount of money generated by our efforts afforded him the opportunity to steal from us and keep up his cocaine habit.  Yes, in a family in the entertainment business, with some measure of success in music and real estate we had a coke freak in the midst. (Duh!) He rarely even came around to see his wife (Jackie) or any of his children, and eventually after a Herculean effort to rehab him we gave up and sent him to live in Killeen with his kind. Jackie was so disgusted she told me, “When they find him cremate the body and do NOT send it to Berry Creek!”  This girl crawled out of a dumpster in Detroit and into a limo in Austin. She was as conservative Republican as you can get without living at the White House! Lorena simply could NOT understand that!  They wanted Jackie to take classes on parenting, and Jackie resented that. Because of my son, Micheal’s affiliation with Police, CIA, and anti-terrorist organizations, (he was at the Fort Hood massacre) and my Son Wilbur (Master Chief Wilbur Witt USN) we were covered UP with police officers, detectives, and constables all the time. Jackie was such a “bad motherf” and hostess that these men would bring their wives, girlfriends and CHILDREN to our house and when they went to H. E. B. to get items the usual statement was, “Jackie, you got the kids?” and the answer was always, “Yes!”  She painted flowers on their finger nails, played jax with them on the floor, made Mexican Lasagna (yes there is such a thing) and even counseled  the young ladies on life, and how to avoid pitfalls. 

But that wasn’t GOOD enough for Lorena!  Jackie had to take “parenting” classes.  Then she had to submit to mental tests, then drug tests, and finally go to a mental hospital.  And yes, she got a little bit disturbed at the CPS.  She said to think of murder is as big a sin as killing itself, but she also quoted Mark Twain, “I have never killed a man, but I have read a good deal of obituaries with a great deal of satisfaction!” 

And Lorena hated Jackie’s films.  Early on Jackie did her “iJackie” series on YouTube.  YouTube was in its early days.  There was no money involved, but she told her story of coming from Detroit and working to secure her first child’s safety and future. Her candor, and sense of humor struck a chord with teenage girls all across the country and her views quickly went into the 1,000’s! Jackie was never impressed by this.  She was a musician.  She played piano, and her father had taught her to mix sound of a 32 track mixing board at the age of 5!  Later she moved away from the series and as YouTube began to pay for advertisements she developed music videos, and comedy.  Her persona was very “California.”  Fun loving girl who enjoyed life and hurt no one. Her typical joke would be, “How is iJackie not like a light bulb?  You can Unscrew a lightbulb!”  

Lorena took Jackie’s on-screen persona as life!  No amount of meeting with Jacqueline would make iJackie  go away.  Jackie could serve her French Toast and coffee and all the CPS Case Worker could ask about was if it was a joint in her hand during this scene or that scene, and when I protested Lorena casually wrote, “Grandfather is aggressive and should not be around children,” in her notes.

Well, to make a long story short, we took the hit.  Because Jackie was a “crack whore” and I was the “aggressive father of her children,” the CPS insisted in order to save the children from all of this I had to divorce my wife of thirty years and not be around, “for the good of the children!”  We hurt for a while.  But now we stand up. They can’t hurt us anymore.  We are going to move on!  We are going to make the CPS sorry they ever HEARD of us, and Jackie will smoke a cigarette over every ONE of their graves someday! 

Never lose heart, friends.  Never give up.  If you lie down they win.  Don’t let them win.  My daughter in law, indeed my beloved DAUGHTER, Jacqueline Witt is my hero!  I have never, and will never admire anyone as much as I do this 5’2” pile of self-will and determination.  No human being has ever been through what she has been through, and I am not worthy to wipe her feet!  She stands as an inspiration to all the women of Texas.  She stands as a model for every mother who weeps for her kidnapped children. 

Someday Jackie will see her kids again.  Someday she will load them all on a golf cart and take them out around the course.  Someday Lorena Flournoy will drown in her own vomit.  And on that day Jackie will simply come home, and be what she was all along. . . a mother!

God Bless the Republic of Texas!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Freedom Fighters for Familes

A short promo by Minister T.R. Allen speaking and annoucing "Freedom Fighters for Familes


Protecting Your Own

In any war, battle, struggle, you must always protect those close to you.  I have run into some disagreement from some people concerning my methods of fighting the CPS.  Their hearts and minds are in the right place, but let me give you some hard facts.  As you probably know I have been in a long protracted fight with the CPS. In this fight I have been forbidden to ever see my grandchildren again.  No crime, no charges, not even a suspicion. Just a blind hatred of the CPS concerning me because I make movies and point them out to be the animals they truly are.  During this fight my granddaughter, the famous “Puck,” was nearly killed by a CPS foster mother, one Cozetta Butler.  Cozetta sat at the very first “safety” meeting we ever had, and was very close friends (do I need to say more?) with Ms. Cassidy Dossett, CPS supervisor, Williamson County, Texas, and when it was all said and done, lo and behold Cozetta ended up with MY grandkids!  Wow!  I’m snake amazed. 

Now Puck had issues.  She would suddenly babble and walk into walls, cry, fall down, throw fits, or just sit there like a zombie.  My now ex wife got the idea one day, joined by my daughter in law, Jackie to take a blood sample.  My ex is a diabetic.  They took the kit, held Puck down, and drew blood.  She was banging a blood sugar of 400!  We reported this to the CPS and they didn’t agree, “at this time.” 

After much conspiracy the children were removed from our care, because we were “impeding the parent’s progress for reunification,”  and placed with, you got it, Cozetta Butler!  Again, we alerted Cassidy Dossett about Puck’s condition.  She ignored our warnings.  She ignored our warnings until Puck went into coma and was in the hospital three days near death.  We were not even told!  They simply waited for the child to die.  Problem solved!  When my ex finally got there she told the doctors what she knew, they did tests and discovered by Puck was a Type I diabetic.  She lived! 

We hit the CPS so hard on every front that they agreed that they would let my wife have the children IF she would divorce me, and if I would never be around the children ever again.  This comes because of one movie I made about these idiots called “Ruh Roh,” where I obtained ALL of their documents, and read them on YouTube!  Cozetta Butler was actually expanding her house with the money she was making in foster care off of MY grandchildren! 

Well, we did divorce.  The cheap bastards at the CPS wouldn’t even pay the filing fee, but with my babies safe (for now) I represented both sides of the divorce in district court and gave them what they wanted. A Catholic marriage of thirty years means nothing to the CPS.  Cozetta Butler actually called my ex and told her she needed to put the babies on her income tax that year, which was denied, and I understand that Cassidy Dossett left the CPS and someone told me they saw her as a greeter at J. C. Penny’s, though I have not confirmed that as of yet. I would love to locate her!

They “allowed” my ex to adopt the grandbabies. (That was mighty white of them!)  They retained the right to “drop in” at any time the check on the children’s “progress.”  Whenever I would make a movie, or write an article, or show my face in public “someone” would call the hotline and report something and brand new investigation would ensue. The last one was the Head Start called and said the little boy’s hair was not cut to CPS regulations!  For that charge all of the children had to be examined, including Puck getting a pelvic exam to make sure she wasn’t having sex.  She is FIVE, people!  With all of this I simply moved to California for eight months, more exact, to the Mojave desert.  I put the “location”  app on my FaceBook so that everything I said, or uploaded was identified by location.  Sometimes my location was even Mexico.  The CPS never dreamed that at my age of sixty I could really take off in the desert like that and disappear.  Apparently there are no men or grandfathers in the CPS! 

The CPS’s assault on my family withdrew to a dull roar, and when I deemed that the babies were safe I eased by into Texas at an undisclosed location to pick up my life and writing.  My family lives in a state of constant siege.  The CPS regularly makes attacks, the last time actually cutting off the children’s food and designating a new “foster” home for them for HAIRCUTS!  

This is who they truly are people!  This is how they really work.  But I had to make a decision.  Do I continue to take a very public stance, and literally endanger the very lives of my five grandchildren, or do I fight another way?  What would you do? Now, a little background is needed here.  My family is very deeply involved with our struggle with the Middle East.  My oldest son is a Master Chief Petty officer in the Navy with seven tours in the Persian Gulf.  My next eldest is an anti terrorist currently working in the mountains of Afghanistan.  We have welcomed many of our nation’s enemies to the infernal regions.  We are versed in black ops, and covert methods.  We can get information when we need it, trust me. At no time during the foster care of my grandchildren did I not know where they were except when Puck was spirited away because of coma, and we were alerted when she didn’t show for one of my ex’s “visitations.”

Have I quit?  HELL NO!  I will fight these people until I smoke a cigar over every one of their graves!  I will hound them to hell, and I will build a better, safer Texas for our children and grandchildren.  But I have to be careful.  They will kill my grandchildren given very little provocation.  I know this.  I am not Amy Charron beaten down, I have seen these monsters for what they really are! So, even though you may not see me very publicly every day never doubt that I am still here.  I’ve been called, “The Outlaw, Josey Wales” by the people around me, and that’s just about right.  I’m mad, mad dog mad, and I will fight the CPS until one of us is no longer around.  They have created the most terrible enemy they have ever known. 

God bless each and every one of you, and fight the CPS!  The children you save may be your own!  

Friday, August 17, 2012

Time is Children's Lives!

Something has come to my attention in the last three days that disturbs, and angers me. Now, I don’t name names, or use my words lightly, but the person, or persons responsible for these actions know who they are. First off I’d like to remind everyone that we are at war.  Jim sent me facts and figures a few weeks ago that he requested I use in an article and the number of dead babies was unbelievable. Texas CPS is killing children as we speak.  Children are dying right now even as I write this.  This is unacceptable.  Any reasoning or explaining away something like that is crazy. 

Citing the above statement you can readily understand that we must keep together as a group.  Infighting, squabbling, hacking, lying, or anything other than complete focus on the task at hand is not acceptable.  There are two major events coming up, one in Houston that I hope to attend, and another that is world wide. The people have had enough!  This nation, indeed the world, is about to rise in revolution and route the vermin that have turned our precious children into a cash crop for pedophiles. 

Now, without naming names, or threatening I say this: if you discover someone trying to destroy someone’s efforts, either here, or other sites, or publicly, shun them!  I don’t care how bad their case is, I don’t care how much they “reason,” walk away from them, and wipe the dust from your feet.  Every distraction to our cause will cost time, and time, my friends is children’s lives! 

Now, I’ve said time, and time again that I’d just a simple ol’ boy from Austin, and I am.  I believe firmly in the cowboy way.  I don’t believe in mental illness, I don’t believe in people blaming their parents for their actions, I believe when someone gets too far out of line you slap ‘em!  If they don’t straighten up then you just didn’t slap ‘em hard enough!  I will not waste my time fighting people who want to gossip, or argue while the children of Texas are being kidnapped, raped, and murdered. 

There are particular people I am addressing, and you know who you are.  My suggestion is that you re-evaluate your motives and realize that each time you slow the wheels of our revolution you kill another child. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

In The Trenches

Sometimes, when you're “in the trenches” the fight for our children, grandchildren, and constitution seems to be going nowhere. We've all had it. You get up for that first cup of coffee and check Facebook, YouTube, your email, and it seems as if nobody really cares. I've been there, we all have, but let me tell you something. No revolution, and this is a revolution, folks, starts like a hit record. Revolutions start like a forest fire, with a single match. One person pointing out something, and slowly, but surely, the fire grows.

I did an edit last night, of Bill Bowen's “Innocence Destroyed,” which you can view at, and learned that he was in fact passed on. It gave me pause to think. Why? What was it all for? This man found thousands of cases where children had been killed, made a beautiful documentary and before he could complete the work he died. Well, some people come into this world and take, and some people come and contribute. God does not judge time, he judges hearts. I put up a video yesterday, one of my daughter in law, Jackie, which you can also see at, and the inspiration for that film was Jackie's resolve. Jackie didn't “lose” her fight with the CPS. She compared her situation to the men at the Alamo. She knew the CPS was going to run over her like a steam roller, so she situated herself, and fixed a deal that saved her five children with family even if she were not involved, and could quite possibly never see her babies again. She contributed! Bill, contributed. Jim Black contributes.

Most people do not know that the role of the CPS changed some time ago. They, like a lot of us, believe it to be an organization charged with the protection of our most valued asset, our children. And in the thousands, and thousands of cases they have, believe it or not, it is understandable that some children may be hurt, or even die. What is not understandable is the numbers, and the willing cooperation of CPS with known pedophiles, criminals, and bounty hunters intent on monetary or sexual gratification at the cost of our kids!

And people like me, Jim, Amy Charron, Bill Bowen, and countless others scream at the top of our lungs for the nation to just LOOK! See what they do! And it seems to get nowhere. Well, that's because the CPS has a huge public relations campaign. “It's all about the children,” “Reason to believe,” “At this tiiiiiime,” and the nice CPS lady who comes to get togethers, and luncheons and wrings liberal's hearts out with stories about children being wrenched from the arms of crackheads. The constant pressure puts the lie to all of this. Simple fact, if one little girl is raped and murdered by a CPS Case Worker that's one too many! Just one. We have thousands.

The US is considering, as other countries are, getting involved in Syria. The situation is awful there. Innocent people are being killed, raped, kidnapped by an outlaw regime. Well, what the hell do you think we have right HERE? And they are doing it to children. And that's not all. Governor Perry was considering signing a law that virtually suspends the 4th Amendment! Why, we don't need the constitution, it's, “All about the children!” You can see that video here:

How stupid should we be? When do we wake up? Well, a lot of us have woke up. But the size, financing, and out right lust of the CPS makes it formidable. Do not lose heart. Little by little the walls are crumbling down. One by one case workers, and judges are being held accountable for their actions. A Bill Bowen falls, and a Bill Windsor rises from the ashes. If you've never heard of him just to to

Don't give up. Never give up. Don't back down. One day the CPS will be a memory, one that no one believes. Our children will be safe. Great mistakes were made in the 90's. We will correct them. We have to. Bill Bowen, Jackie, and a host of others have paved the way and are watching us.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Fallen

The Fallen

I have written these two words before. The fallen. There are those of us who have lost everything. Amy Charron, Jackie, myself, and now Michael of Luke's Army. We are those whom the CPS has taken everything from. We are the ones who have nothing left to lose. And the wounds are profound. Amy curls up in a bed and waits for death, Jackie disappears, Michael waits for his “hail of bullets,” and I, well I just push forward. There were recent threads on Luke's Army that caused me to pull away, but I did not pull away because of any lack of willingness to fight. No, I did so because I witnessed statements by people that I deemed as doing no good for our cause. And I know that Michael is one of the fallen. I will never stop fighting CPS. I will not rest until I cram ashes in their mouths. Until they sit alone and claw their eyes in misery because they have lost everything. But, when I am done, it will not bring Lukey back, it will not heal Amy, it will not bring Jackie home and it will not ever still the absolute rage, hate, and venom that I feel for the animals who have kidnapped, raped and killed our children! I will piss on their graves! So don't think I have given up, gone away, or been beaten. You gotta get mad, mad dog mad, and you gotta fight with all you have. One child. What is one child worth. Are they bargaining chips? One little eight year old girl with some CPS animal fondling her body, what's it worth? This is what I fight for. This is what drives me on. Those of you, reading this, who have never seen what we have seen, look at your children. They are the property of the state under the system we work with now. They are not your children, they belong to the CPS, who will pick them up and use them at their discretion. This is the grim reality we live with every day, and if you don't listen, if you don't understand, then one day you too, will become one of the fallen.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

General Sam and the Oak Tree

I have began a focus campaign in my writing in an effort to consolidate and distribute more evenly. This is no way is an indication that I am putting down my fight against CPS. On the contrary. Jim Black had me begin to post on two blogs he has going a couple of weeks ago and I began to understand that I was not “in the trenches” any more as so many of us are, fighting day after day for the pure safety of our children and grandchildren. I began to define my role as a rally point, a revolutionary, if you will. Jim is much more versed than I am in the legal ins and outs of the Child Protection System. He answers the day to day issues that arise case by case. I, on the other hand, tend to attack the system as a whole, my ultimate goal is total revolution, and the destruction of the entire CPS system as we know it today.

Now, let's let sanity prevail here. In the end game I am not going to achieve all of my goals. I know that. But in any battle for decency there has to be someone like me, someone who is so far right that there is no doubt to where he stands. I stand in my corner, snarling and snapping, and the CPS used to look at me as so far “out there” that they had nothing to fear. Well, with case workers now going to jail, and judges beginning to understand that they, too, may be held accountable for their actions the tide is beginning to turn.

In the Texas Revolution at the battle of San Jacinto Santa Anna was captured trying to pretend to be a private. He was brought before General Sam Houston, who lay wounded beneath an oak tree. Little known historical tidbit is that in order to identify Santa Anna they pulled his pants off because it was widely known he had monogrammed silk undies. So there stood Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna in his BVD's, before General Sam and a bunch of fairly irritated Texicans who were all for stringing him up in the very tree General Sam was resting under. Houston shouted down the crowd and told them, “You would go for revenge, I want Texas!”

Well, Jim is General Sam, and I'm the leader of the crowd. In the final analysis he will be one of the men who will reconstruct the CPS, and his one of his strengths will be people like me and my followers standing there so he can point at us and ask the CPS, “How do you like them apples? We change this or I'm gonna turn them lose and see how that works out for you!”

The CPS sits in its ivory tower and looms over families in Texas like a bunch of vultures. The feel safe. They feel secure. They are arrogant. It is my job to make them see their own mortality. Nothing makes a tyrant more agreeable than knowing that their ass is on the line now. When the people have had enough they will rise up it can be terrible, and folks, the people will rise up in this fight of ours. I discuss with some very unsavory groups of people who I can't possibly get in the same room, but the one common denominator is a complete disdain for the CPS! No decent man or woman can have anything to do with them without a bad taste in their mouths.

Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

But, I have not gone anywhere. I'm still here, and I'm angrier than I've ever been and I'm not going to rest until Jim tells me, “Wilbur, we won.” Maybe on that day I'll be able to see my grandchildren again. Maybe Amy's little girl will get a horsey and maybe, finally, the children of Texas will be safe.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's a Dog's World

It’s a Dog’s World

            Before I venture into this article I would like to make clear that I love animals, particularly cats.  My best friend during my struggle with the CPS was a huge Tomcat I called “Gay Maurice.”  Don’t ask. He dominated the “hood” and slept on his own pillow in my bed. He met his match when he took on a Bobcat and I miss him greatly.

            That having been said, I have been made aware of a situation that is beyond comprehension, and certainly beyond common sense.  It seems there was this animal shelter, Spindletop to be precise, which was charged to care for certain dogs.  Well it seems that the caretakers of said refuge didn’t come up to the full measure of the duties they were charged with and said dogs ended up being abused.

            Enter the Montgomery County Animal Control people who whisked in there and rescued the animals, put up a website, and over 1800 people “liked” the page and rushed forward to save these poor, beat up dogs.  I’ve looked at the pages and there is a lot of chatter, talk, official statements by Constable Holifield, and pictures of the dogs.  One such statement read,  “Now the task is reuniting and rehoming animals has already begun. First will be the animals that are easily identified by a microchip number. Next will be animals whose owners or former owners can provide some proof of ownership and are identifiable by distinguishing marks, scars, etc. Before any other animal will be processed out to a Recognized Rescue Organization in good standing we will schedule for anyone wishing to tour the remaining animals to assist with closure should their animal not be part of the seized animals in the Emergency Shelter.”

            Pardon me while I wipe a tear from my eye.  They’re even going to help with “closure” in case their dog is among the lost. Grief Counseling. Then I was led to yet another case, something about a dog named “Cisco,” and the lead on the page read, “On April 14, 2012 Michael Paxton's best friend Cisco, an Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler), was gunned down by an APD officer that responded to the wrong address of a domestic disturbance complaint.”  There is a picture of “Cisco,” staring forlorn into the camera, and there’s even a place where you can acquire bumper stickers reading “Justice for Cisco”  at for a modest cost of only $1.50.  100,000 hits in a week!

            Now let me show you a set of statistics.  I hate to crunch numbers because I think it minimizes the value of a child, but for this article it is needed.

6,663,942 children (0-17) in Texas
195,017 completed Child Protective Services investigations
65,948 confirmed victims of abuse or neglect
17,108 children removed from their homes to stop abuse or neglect
6,342 abused or neglected children awaiting adoption
                   231 children who died because of abuse or neglect

Now I’d like to direct you to another Facebook page, run by my good friend Mr. Jim Black.  It is a help  group for victims of CPS abuse called “Angel Eyes Over Texas.”  Less than 200 “likes” and/or members.  In all respect I ask you, have we lost our friggin minds?  I mean just reread the Constable’s statement, “First will be the animals that are easily identified by a microchip number. Next will be animals whose owners or former owners can provide some proof of ownership and are identifiable by distinguishing marks, scars, etc.”

The constable does have one thing going for him, which shows in his professionalism.  He is under an oath to protect animals in the state.  I must point out that CPS workers are not!  No oath, no micochip, no 100k “Likes” and 231 dead, I said DEAD children who were improperly placed or the case was so botched by CPS that they died! And I know from first hand experience that when a child dies, or as my grand daughter did, nearly dies from foster parent abuse the case worker will very quickly tell you, “The child had been placed in the care of the foster parent and CPS was not involved ‘at that tiiiiiiiime!”

Oh, it gets better.  I kid you not.  Check this out. During the same week for Cisco a woman was murdered and baby kidnapped. Upon recovery of the infant instead of simply returning the child to the father, CPS removed the rest of the kids and drug tested the dad. Man loses his wife, child is stolen, and when it is found there is no tear soaked reunion, the CPS went into full throttle to place the child into a system that is not as well run as the dog pound! 

This weekend the horrible events in Colorado have dominated the news.  I, myself, witnessed the Luby’s massacre when George Hennard killed a number of people there and my heart goes out to the families of those victims, but what do you think would happen if there were 231 dead children laid out in the parking lot?  The freaking Taliban doesn’t rack up such numbers with a suicide bomber.  Now relax, clear your mind and picture this. The average classroom is about 30 to 40 kids.  231 divided by 40 is about five or six classrooms.  The next time you go to your child’s school just take a stroll down the hall and walk past five or six classrooms.  Look at the kids.  Listen to them talk and laugh.  See their faces.  Now, imagine them all in the hall way stretched out DEAD!

That is what we are really dealing with people, unprofessional employees working for an organization that is not as regulated as a dog pound, killing or allowing to be killed children they have taken from parents with often no more evidence than their own imagined, “reason to believe.” And you wonder why I jump on the CPS as hard as I do. I won’t even talk to anyone in the CPS because I don’t talk to people I consider to be the scum of the earth.  The CPS worker will allow a child to die in foster care and very quickly cover his or her bureaucratic ass!  The death of the baby means nothing, the heartbreak of the family means nothing, only the next case, the next kidnapping, the next batch of federal funds because THAT worker was not involved “at that tiiiiiime,” and no worries boys and girls because that worker is not under any oath or moral compulsion to do the right thing and she has “reason to believe” it is lunch time. 

What does it take to wake you up?  I know what it takes. It takes that knock on the door.  It takes your child being loaded up in a non-descript white van.  It takes getting notified THREE DAYS after your child is in the hospital, near death in a diabetic coma because some ignorant, greedy foster parent didn’t feed her and she eventually passed out. This is what happened to my grand daughter, Puck!  Then you wake up.  Then you know.  Then you hate a hate that consumes you and on that day, my friends, you’ll know what to do. 

I pray this day never happens to you, but it will if you don’t wake up and at least pay as much attention to the children of Texas as you do to a bunch of dogs!  Children are not dogs folks.  They are our most valuable asset, and I will not put this fight down until I end the CPS as it exists today.  I will not stop until I am able to change the CPS into the Child Protective Services. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bringing Understanding to Middle America

In this fight against the excesses of the Child Protective Services we often begin to chase our tails and preach to the choir. Those of us who have been touched by CPS know.  We KNOW!  There is no doubt, there is no amount of reasoning that will change our minds, but most of America doesn’t know.  When they hear of someone losing a child they naturally think that there must have been SOME reason.  These are the people we need to educate.

What began as an agency to protect abused children evolved into a force that ignored the Constitution, invaded our homes, and destroyed families.  What was a department to stop an alcoholic father from beating his kids became a watchdog to see if little Johnny had new pressed clothes every day at school.  What became of Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors?” 

This is what we need to explain to middle America.  We need them to see how close, how incredibly close anyone is to being caught up in this system which is a no win situation.  And they are particularly vulnerable simply because to DO try to do everything right and when the CPS shows up they believe that their very status, their very work ethic, their very CITIZENSHIP will pull them through, so they invite the worker in, offer he coffee and behave like normal, civilized Americans. 

Then, they become one of us, and the people in the neighborhood say, “Wow!  There MUST have been SOMETHING wrong.”  Then their credibility is down the drain, and then they have to fight their way thorough an all familiar maze that we all  know about. 

These are the people we have to reach BEFORE they are marked with the mark of the beast.  And they have to understand that even speaking up for what they believe is right will draw the wrath of the CPS down upon them.  They need to understand how much our Bill of Rights has eroded because of this organization.

We need to reach out to middle America.  They are the ones who will stand up and change the system.  We don’t want to wait until we are all victims. In this fight against the excesses of the Child Protective Services we often begin to chase our tails and preach to the choir. Those of us who have been touched by CPS know.  We KNOW!  There is no doubt, there is no amount of reasoning that will change our minds, but most of America doesn’t know.  When they hear of someone losing a child they naturally think that there must have been SOME reason.  These are the people we need to educate.

What began as an agency to protect abused children evolved into a force that ignored the Constitution, invaded our homes, and destroyed families.  What was a department to stop an alcoholic father from beating his kids became a watchdog to see if little Johnny had new pressed clothes every day at school.  What became of Dolly Parton’s “Coat of Many Colors?” 

This is what we need to explain to middle America.  We need them to see how close, how incredibly close anyone is to being caught up in this system which is a no win situation.  And they are particularly vulnerable simply because to DO try to do everything right and when the CPS shows up they believe that their very status, their very work ethic, their very CITIZENSHIP will pull them through, so they invite the worker in, offer he coffee and behave like normal, civilized Americans. 

Then, they become one of us, and the people in the neighborhood say, “Wow!  There MUST have been SOMETHING wrong.”  Then their credibility is down the drain, and then they have to fight their way thorough an all familiar maze that we all  know about. 

These are the people we have to reach BEFORE they are marked with the mark of the beast.  And they have to understand that even speaking up for what they believe is right will draw the wrath of the CPS down upon them.  They need to understand how much our Bill of Rights has eroded because of this organization.

We need to reach out to middle America.  They are the ones who will stand up and change the system.  We don’t want to wait until we are all victims.  

Friday, July 13, 2012

After the CPS?

What do we do after the CPS?  When the CPS is disbanded, what do we do? My plan for this has come about over a couple of years of watching them from both the inside and outside. My plan is simple:

1)    Take all state funding away from CPS.  Whenever you write your congressman he/she always refers back to the state, saying the Federal Government has little to do with this issue.  FINE!  Let the State of Texas stop all funds immediately pending congressional hearings on the actions of the CPS.

2)    During this period turn all duties formerly assigned to CPS to the DPS (Department of Public Safety).  We don’t need  “Safety Plans” or “Home Studies” or MMPI’s for parents, we just need COPS.   Trust me, I know a lot of cops and they won’t mind the extra case load at all!

3)    Then have the DPS examine all CPS cases, and foster parents and return all children possible to their parents.  The DPS can very quickly do background checks and tell if any issues are with the parents, and if there are act accordingly with State Law!  If the parents are found to be in violation of the LAW then seek appropriate relatives of said children and try to place them there. . . with FAMILY!  After that, get with community, churches or groups in that area. Decent people will ALWAYS help a child. 

4)    During Congressional hearings indictments of all CPS personnel found to be guilty of violations of the Texas Penal Code be brought down and said violators  be arrested and brought to trial.  When this is done then do the same for all foster parents.  We don’t need special prisons, or holding tanks, general population will do just fine.  That way they can explain to the prisoners how they were, “just trying to help,” and is was “all about the children.” 

5)    Investigate and void the license of any doctor found to be involved with the CPS where conflicting reports from reputable doctors exist.  Criminal charges should come forth where required.

Does this sound harsh?  Does this sound crazy?  Consider this: Teenage girl picked up by CPS supervisor in Williamson County, Texas, before taken to a foster parent was taken to a motel and raped.  Girl called her father from CPS phone while the pedophile was talking a shower after his love session.  How crazy is THAT? 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Cost of Battle

We must always remember that this battle we are in puts a lot of strain on us.  The CPS uses our children, and grandchildren as pawns in a huge, federally funded money scam run by the most disreputable people you can imagine.  Imagine your little girl, whom you rarely let out of you very sight, is spirited away in a moment of time, and you are not told where she is, or what is happening to her.  That, people, will make you crazy!  Our many warriors here show signs of the wounds of this fight.  We must always remember what we are all going through, and allow for emotion, hate, and mistakes, but we should never stop helping where, and when we can. We are gaining ground, be assured of that. What started out as a few people crying out loud is now a movement.  The CPS sits back confident in its power and still kills, kidnaps, rapes, and has classes to grind out more followers to their plot to destroy the family structure and replace it with their own New World Order, with is the blackest night we will ever see should they succeed.

When I see someone on the attack I support.  If I see an error that may cost them I try to point it out, but I always remember that each night they look at an empty bed. I always remember that each day the school bus doesn't stop.  I always remember that each month they have to put up with the most insane demands from the most demented people who have ever walked the face of the earth, and they must smile, lest they be termed "aggressive." They must embrace their child, and them let them go to get into a car with God knows what! 

When the hammer falls it is going to be terrible.  There is going to be wailing and the gnashing of teeth.  There is going to be begging, reasoning, and remorse.  And there are going to be some of us who physically, or mentally will never come back to us. They will be the broken ones, the lost ones, the ones for which no doctor can help.  They will be the ones so filled with hate that there will be no road home for them. 

And the children, the poor children.  There will be with us a generation of children who know that all family is fleeting, and that in a minute all they know can be taken from them.  In those children we must instill a fire for justice, family, law, and goodness and yes, love.  Those children must never forget, for they will be the next generation.  They will be the ones who stand up and never let this happen again.

To any CPS who may be reading this I ask, how do you live with yourselves?  How can you inflict this much pain, lie, cheat, steal, and all the rest?  Do you think this will go on forever? When the walls come down, and the people pour thorough and the hand is on your throat, what will you say then?  Your soul will be required of you on that day, and you will stand alone.  And when you sit in your cell, awaiting your fate, what will you think?  Will you see the eyes of all the children you have harmed, will you hear their voices?  Or will you continually chant your mantra, "It's all about the children. . . it's all about the children."  Will  your last words be, "I was only trying to help?"  Or will you plea bargain, lie, run, and try to find a loophole that will hide your sins, at least long enough for you to get away?

I have been said to speak harshly, and I do. I don't deny that.  I say things that make people stop and think.  Sometimes I curb my words because my anger, and hate know no bounds, and wild words do no good, only steady hard work.  And I am always aware that as we work some child is being hurt right now by a CPS approved foster parent, or a CPS case worker.  I see their eyes, I hear their cries.  And I do not turn back.

I desire but one thing, to realign the CPS personnel.  I would like to realign them against a wall somewhere.

Love and support one another.  Victory will come.  Then we need to pick up the pieces.  God hope we find them all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Got a message from an old friend this morning, a lady in New Jersey whom I have known for a very long time. She is Islamic. Over the years she has chatted with me online, beginning back when online was not something people even understood. always respectful, always talking about her faith. Over the years I acquired several Qu’rans, and I read them. Even though I was Christian, I read the passages with great understanding. The understanding of that culture came to me.

When I became in this fight with the CPS I had a burning desire to beat them, more than normal. Something was driving me. I began to realize what it was. When Christians hear the word “Jihad” they conjure up images of bombed buildings and crazy Moslems screaming, “Allah” at the top of their lungs. That is not the case. Jihad is “Holy War.” Anything that is unholy, mean, unfair, or downright cruel to people requires Jihad. Jihad is what I have declared on the CPS.

Imagine a group of people, or an organization that is so base, so mean, so low, that it has decided to declare war on families, and more than that, children! That is unholy people. These people do not have the privilege to live among civilized men and women. These people have given up the right to exist. These people require, “Jihad.”

I advocate nothing less than the total destruction of the entire CPS system, its writings, its culture and its memory. I fight for the day when children read of it in schoolbooks and believe that the stories are fairy tales because surely nothing like that ever existed. I fight for the day when all families are safe from the knock on the door, and all children sleep in their beds at night, with mommy and daddy in the next room with the comfortable knowledge that in the morning they will all still be there and life will be good. I do not negotiate. I do not understand. I do not have “reasons to believe!”

I know these words are hard for some of you to digest. When I read letters and cases from around the world of CPS atrocities it makes me very angry and ill. I read about seventeen children killed in a war in Syria, and I am disturbed, but on the same day I read about hundreds of raped, murdered, and displaced children, thanks to the CPS and I become outraged! Jihad!

When this war is over, if we leave one of them untouched they will rise again. CPS is a gross error that must be addressed. There are NO “good” caseworkers. They are all part of the same system, and if they are “good” then get OUT. NOW! In my other essays I have shown ways to replace the CPS. There are always methods to protect children and help families.

Ask yourself; if a single mother were raising three children on a waitress’s pay and all of them came down with the flu, and someone called the CPS to check out the situation, would they send a nurse and a woman to help this mother through the week until she got back to work? You know they wouldn’t. You know what would happen. THAT is what is wrong with the CPS! That is why we cannot allow this gang to exist among us. In honor of my little friend in New Jersey. . . God Wills It!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Read The Declaration of Independence

The fourth of July is the American celebration of the severing of ties with England. It was the day the declaration of independence was signed and published. Some time ago I took a copy of that document and simply exchanged CPS for king, and he. The charges were mirror image. Almost everything that led the colonists to break away and make war on England was note for note what the CPS is doing today. Read the declaration sometime today. Just imagine that this was an open indictment from the people to that department and you will be struck dumb. The charges weren't just don't tax the tea. They were statements about the peace of the family, ignoring the law, terror tactics threatening to destroy families if one didn't abide by their new improved rules no matter what the Magna Cartage said. It's all there.  Today is a good day to read, and reflect on this document. And don't read it as a dead piece of history, read it as a warning from the past, and ask yourself, what would the men who signed that document say and do about what the CPS is doing to American families today? What would John Hancock do if some clerk came into his home and tried to leave with his kids? I'll tell you what he would do. He would shoot them!  We have grown complacent. In America today we try to just keep our heads down when they come, and we are glad they don't knock on our door. But there is a growing power base of people who have been victims of the CPS's insatiable need for more children to feed their foster adopt machine. Where before very few people ever saw or knew of these people now almost everyone has either been touched by them or knows someone who has and we who cry out no longer look like a bunch of malcontents. We are beginning to look a lot like the gentlemen who signed that document so long ago.  Reflect on this today. Read the words, enjoy your children, and hold to your children and the Declaration of Independence. Don't take either one for granted. There are people who would be more than happy to take both away from you!  

Monday, July 2, 2012

Profiles of Depravity

Profiles Of Depravity The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is one of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health. The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology. Among its many uses, it is perhaps best known as the personality test that is used in conjunction with Secret and Top Secret security clearances required for many positions within United States federal agencies that incur an extensive responsibility for life and property, such as the Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Federal Aviation Administration. In all my years of work with both the Texas Dept of Corrections and the CPS, when placed one upon the other there is no difference between a child killer and a CPS caseworker!  Name Withheld by request Four hours before sunrise on a foggy Sacramento night, a woman's wail pierced the silence of a suburban street. Flames crackled to life. Neighbors awakened, and some rushed outside. Others watched from their windows. "My baby, my baby," the woman howled in the darkness. At 3:27 a.m. on Jan. 11, 2008 – seven minutes after the first emergency call – Engine 15 from the Sacramento Fire Department was first to arrive at the stucco home on Sweet Pea Way. There, a neighbor with a garden hose already had made the sickening discovery. A 4 1/2-year-old child lay dead on the living room floor, her tiny body grotesquely burned. This was where Amariana Antoinette Crenshaw, a little girl with big brown eyes who loved to dance, ended her journey through the child welfare system. She had spent more than half of her short life being protected by Sacramento County, taken from her biological parents and placed into foster care. Now she was dead, the victim of what a deputy county attorney would later describe as a "random act of violence" and an "unforeseeable, unpreventable tragedy." On the second anniversary of Amariana's death, police still have no suspects, and a spokesman says their criminal investigation has stalled. But a Bee investigation raises new questions about how the child wound up in harm's way, despite being surrounded by legal protectors from the county, the state, the juvenile court, her foster-family agency and, of course, her foster mom. Foster children are endangered by being placed in incompetent out-of-home care by CPS social workers. Rather than helping parents resolve their issues while keeping families intact, CPS social workers rush to rip children out of the homes God gave them, placing them in state custody foster warehouses in order to get federal funding streams started. Consequently children’s lives are being endangered as many people hired as foster “parents” don’t care for them in foster homes as well as loving relatives could.   This week a former foster “parent” was convicted of “injury to a child” in the death of a three-year-old foster child in North Texas in 2005. NORTH COLLEGE HILL, OH (FOX19) – Job and Family Services and the North College Hill Police Department are investigating the death of a 7-month-old foster child. Brian Gregg, a spokesman with Job and Family Services tells FOX19 the Child, Ty’ionna Barfield, died in her foster home on February 18th. Police were called to the foster home just before 10 p.m. on the 18th after a report that Ty’ionna was not breathing. An officer performed CPR on the child until emergency workers got there and took over. The infant died in the home. The child had been placed in the foster home just two weeks earlier. According to Gregg, the cause and manner of death has not been released at this time. According to a prepared statement from Job and Family Services, Ty’ionna was placed into a Lighthouse Youth Services foster home on February 4th and was visited by a worker from Lighthouse the following day. The statement also states the child was visited four days later, then again on February 11th, and was then seen by a pediatric nurse on February 14th. In a statement, Moira Weir, Director of Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services says, “We are working closely with investigators to get to the bottom of this matter as quickly as possible, for the sake of the family, the agency and this community.” Since the infant’s death, the other children living in the foster home have been removed until the investigation is completed The death of 4-year-old Emma Thompson has enraged the Houston community. According to news reports, Emma’s mother ignored the abuse of her own child, denied it to the authorities and attempted to hide it by super-gluing her baby’s skull together. This “gifted nurse” claimed Emma’s injuries were self-inflicted and that she had contracted genital herpes from a dirty toilet seat. Neighbors and others who suspected abuse should have notified the authorities, something required of all Texans over the age of 18. But, judging by their comments on the story on the Houston Chronicle’s Web site, Houstonians have reserved their strongest criticism for Child Protective Services. The agency, which was fully aware that Emma had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, failed to remove her from the home. This tragedy is not an isolated example of poor judgment but the result of a conscious decision by CPS to leave this child in the home. CPS spokesperson Estella Olguin explained that “a sexually transmitted disease alone is not enough to put a 4-year-old into protective custody.” If Emma’s STD and her mother’s inconsistent stories about its origin weren’t enough to trigger a thorough investigation and removal by CPS, what sort of evidence does it need? Some historical context. In May 1987, following the murder of 2-year-old Jesse Wheeler, a poster boy for how the system has failed victims of child abuse, Justice for Children was formed by a group of concerned citizens tired of seeing preventable deaths of the very young in our community. Later that year, these same Houstonians convinced the Texas Senate to conduct statewide hearings into the problems at CPS. The 1989 Senate report stated that “70 percent of the confirmed cases involved children who were left in their homes and who needed ongoing supervision and assistance from the department. In reality, only about half of these cases were assigned to a caseworker. The remaining 49 percent, or 9,800 confirmed cases, were closed immediately after the investigation … ” In 1991, the Texas Senate Finance Committee found that “[y]ears of studies costing millions of dollars have been devoted to this program without tangible results. The immense problems and substantial improvements required cannot be achieved realistically in an agency with so many competing priorities.” Also in 1991, a report by the Texas Performance Review Team found: “The mission of the social worker is to rehabilitate and preserve the family.” It went on to say, “on the other hand, the mission of an investigator is to determine if the abuse occurred and remove the victim from the situation if necessary. Maintaining the functions in the same agency makes … a nearly impossible situation in which to maintain objectivity and focus.” On July 2, 2004, Gov. Rick Perry issued an executive order requiring the Office of the Inspector General of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to conduct an investigation of CPS. The inspector general’s report noted that: “When abuse or neglect was indicated in the file, only 30 percent of the time did CPS caseworkers implement the appropriate safety steps for the short-term protection of the child, only 71 percent of the time were the steps appropriate to protect the child from further abuse and neglect and only 27 percent of the time, when there was imminent threat to the health and safety of any child in the home, was the child actually removed from the threat to prevent further abuse, neglect, or physical abuse, neglect, or physical harm to the child.” Twenty-three years after Jesse Wheeler’s death, innumerable studies, and adverse reports, we are still fighting the same fight. I could not care less that CPS feels they are damned if they remove a child and damned if they don’t. According to the last National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect, of the 1 million annual cases where CPS confirmed abuse and neglect, 72 percent were closed without ever removing the children. By comparison, the number of children who have been murdered as a result of being removed from a home subsequently deemed safe is a big fat zero. Tired of reading? I could go on forever!  When I accuse CPS of heinous crimes I'm not kidding people. When I categorize them as animals I'm on point. When I want to hold them accountable for every dead child I'm not playing games and they damn well KNOW it! They hate me and they fear me because I go for their throats every time. I don't believe a word they say and I want to give them exactly what they have given children. I know them for what they are and I will destroy them for it.  The CPS always says they have a thankless job and they are right. Thank you for nothing but kidnapping, rape, murder and a wealth of human misery that you have brought down upon the American people to the point that we all need to cry HAVOC, and put a quick and violent end to this whole sorry mess.  Yet we persist. Why do we persist? We persist because even with children's bodies piling up at our very doors we simply cannot believe what we are seeing. Well Google it. Look at it. Immerse yourself in it and know that it will keep on keeping on until We The People demand that it stop! Charges must be filed. Caseworkers and their puppet judges must be jailed and the entire child  procurement system must be dismantled NOW!  I saw a case two years ago where a CPS worker picked up a teenage girl and raped her in a Holiday Inn on the way to the foster home. My God! Am I the only one who is made sick by this? Am I the only one who can understand that this system might be just a little bit broken? Governor Perry should declare an immediate seizure of all CPS funds and declare a  moratorium on all removal of all children from homes pending a senate Investigation and indictments of all person or persons within that department guilty of crimes against humanity, and yes boys and girls that is an international charge with a very stiff penalty.   Now Mr Perry won't do this and I will tell you why. He won't move on it because he, like most of mainstream America doesn't think we  have a problem. That is why you must write to him and tell him.  Office of the Governor P.O. Box 12428 Austin, Texas 78711-2428 He is not a stupid man. I don't care what you think about his last Presidential debate. Rick Perry is perhaps the best leader we have ever had. So why does he not see this issue? He doesn't see it because he is busy keeping the state of Texas the leader in success stories during the greatest economic upheaval we've ever known, that's why. Just like Mr and Mrs Middle America his plate is full. But he is a consummate politician and once he sinks his teeth into a problem he will solve it.  Write him. Write today. Send him a copy of this essay if you want but let him know. Let him know that the great state of Texas will not tolerate perverts, rapists, and murderers running rampant in our state. Let him know that Texas should be the leader in the protection of Texas children and not the persecutor of good, Christian, hard working families.  His will be done! 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Never Fight CPS From Your Heart

When you come into contact with the CPS never fight with your emotions. They count on that. CPS workers are void of all human feeling. They feed on human misery. Lorena Flounoy, a caseworker, Williamson County, Texas said referring to the abduction of my grandchildren, "It was everything I could do not to laugh out loud.". Let us consider that statement. The forced removal of five healthy babies, with family in Texas going back to 1845, living in a 4000 square foot house on an Arnold Palmer golf course with their grandparents and mother was funny to her! She paid back America on that day! And she placed them in a home with a pedophile and ultimately with a lesbian who put them in an unairconditioned room while one went into diabetic coma and another suffered twenty five seizures and she laughed! Now, I don't know what your definition of  "animal" is, but if you need one please see the above.  And most middle class Americans still believe the CPS is all about the children and that foster care is par excellence  for children seized by the CPS.  My daughter in law told me,  "Now dad, you know the state will take better care of those children than where they are now." I literally bit my tongue and calmly went to the bath to spit the blood out. I watched Dr Phil on several occasions and he repeatedly made the statement, "I am referring this to the Child Protective Services and those fine folks will. . ." Will what Dr Phil? Deprive a child of its medication and kill it to hide molestation by a CPS foster parent or worse a CPS supervisor? Dr Phil why don't you have a few mothers on your show who have lost their children to CPS? Maybe Amy Charron or dare I say, Jackie. Why don't you look into their eyes and make that same asinine statement? But don't sit too close to them. I don't think they will understand. At Nuremberg one of the prosecutors said, "when did this go wrong? It went wrong when the first innocent person went to the showers." What could be more innocent than a three year old little girl?  A child ripped from her mother's arms in the middle of the night. A child subsequently raped by a full grown man. Did you know that such a thing was physically possible, I didn't. Then deprived of her medicine until she died so that the "Department" would not be embarrassed. And it's more than one people. It's a lot more than one. We had an idea to place little white crosses on the the easement in front of every CPS office to remember the dead children but there wasn't enough room. There wasn't enough ROOM! Are we all crazy? Have we grown so complacent that such events are "business as usual?" Do we deserve to survive as a species while we sit idly by and discuss the finer points of law as that little girl draws her last breath? I read an article yesterday where a father here in Texas caught w man raping his five year old daughter. He beat his brains out. He beat his brains out and the sheriff and the grand jury said, "Good Job!". Can the ultimate end of the CPS be any different?  And I know there are some of you who believe there are "good" CPS workers, but I remind you again; not all Nazis worked in the death camps. Some sat quietly in Berlin and kept the books. So remember when that kindly old lady is sitting with you in your living room she works for the organization that is hell bent on kidnapping, raping, and killing your child. And remember, don't deal with your emotions. You are not alone and we will win.  

What The CPS Hotline REALLY Is

Whenever someone calls the CPS Hotline the CPS is obligated to investigate the alleged charge. No matter how ludicrous, no matter how contrived, no matter what the true motive of the caller may be. And why is this?  Well, officially it's all about the children or that's what they would have us believe. But what about when a call comes in that said child is being beaten in the front yard and the CPS has to hurry only to find upon arrival that the family has been on vacation for over a week and the neighbors are picking up newspapers and watching the house. What will the highly trained caseworker do then? Why, leave a card so the family can be thoroughly investigated when they return from their Caribbean cruise. And, of course, this will entail all the questioning, isolation of the children, drug tests and all the other methods that have so endeared the CPS to the civilized world.  The real reason they do this is to gather continuing product for the Foster Adopt machine because if there is only a one percent chance of procuring a heathy adoptable child the CPS cannot pass that up. When I was taking classes with the CPS we filled out menus of what we would like in a child. The instructor told us to broaden out selections because since the Mormons had beaten the CPS in court "product" was in short supply so we had to lower our standards a bit to assure delivery of product even if the package was below the standard we originally ordered.  Does this disturb you? If you had been in that room it would have really disturbed you. One flagrant homosexual who naturally wanted a preteen boy, a transvestite, and minister and his wife who were actually drooling over the selections. By the way, you'll be happy to know that the homosexual got his little boy.  I've said time and time again that I cannot say here what I want to say because there are laws governing such statements but I'm from Austin Texas, YOU fill in the blanks!  When I began my fight I launched a campaign to implicate any case worker who placed a child in a situation whereupon that child was harmed or killed. And yes, I considered punishment right up and to include capital punishment because I believe that then and only then will we be able to get the attention of the animals that call themselves the Child Protective Services. I wanted them to see the stretcher wheeled out of Huntsville prison with a dead CPS caseworker on it and be able to say, "This is the cost!  You didn't cry when you let a pedophile rape and murder a five-year old little girl, why do you cry now?" The department can't be held responsible because, we weren't involved because, we were not made aware because......  Because we had already stolen and sold that child and we had moved onto other projects.  The death of a child. My friend Mike lost his Luke to this system. I cannot begin to imagine his pain. I can't fathom it. A human soul's not equipped to hold such pain. Death is blessed release.  He moves forward, I don't know how. I couldn't. Like I said, I can't tell you what I would do if I ever held Puck's dead body at the hands of the CPS because there are laws restricting me.  The CPS is the most unholy organization the world has ever known. An organization existing solely to steal, rape, sell, and kill children, our most precious asset. There are occasions where a CPS worker or foster parent will be at a function I attend and I will quietly excuse myself. I will not look upon this vermin and eat and drink as if there is nothing wrong because I know that most likely before that party the worker had wretched a child from its mothers arms and right then, even while she smiled and made light conversation she would be scanning the guests children for her next...PRODUCT.

The Fight To Align CPS

The fight to align CPS with the civilized world is a long and hard one. History has shown again and again that once a person, or group of persons has a power base they tend not to let it go. And any bureaucracy will, with time, move farther and farther away from its original intent until the only evidence or that original purpose is only the name and that in itself is a heresy.  Combine this with the same group of people who subscribe to what they perceive to be a mandate to change society so that it conforms with some utopian vision that exist nowhere but their crazy minds. Add a mantra, "It's all about the children," mix in the possibility of huge blocks of funding, immunity, and a dash of sexual divination and there you have it. Big Brother, National Socialism and Chairman Mao all rolled into one. Dante's perfect picture of hell! With the willing cooperation of family court judges and shyster lawyers CPS has had a good, long run, longer even than Adolph Hitler and just as depraved and deadly. If it were one child, or two here and there, even that would not be acceptable, but that is not the case. The illegal removal of children, the trampling of the constitution, the rape and deaths of children, and the ultimate dissolving of the American family has become the norm, the  benchmark of the Child Protective Services. And why do the American people allow this? I don't have the time or the patience to enumerate all of the crimes, offenses and lies that have been generated by this organization. One of our problems is the masses of parents who have lost their children screaming for justice just look like bad parents with a bad case of sour grapes. We must get people involved with our cause who have not previously touched by the CPS. But the veiled threat is always there. "If you come at us we will destroy YOUR family,"  because it IS all about the children. YOUR children! No one is safe, and the sooner middle America realizes that the sooner we can fix this problem! I know that some of you think that somehow, somewhere there are good CPS workers. I wish this were so, but it is not. I remind people every day that not all Nazis worked in the gas chambers. A lot of them worked in nice offices in Berlin keeping the body count and making sure the supply of ZYCLON D didn't run out. The nicest, smiling CPS lady, the one who comes to your parties, the one who helps you coach soccer, the one who helped you arrange your daughter's birthday party, that nice lady has wrenched a baby from a young mother's arms because it's all about the children!  Wake up! You are next! So what do we do? First, and foremost we recognize among ourselves that there is basically nothing good about the current system. Know these people for what they really are. Don't trust them, don't cooperate with them and let everyone you know who they are and what they do! The same with foster parents. They are just one more branch of the evil machine. They are not nice people who are trying to help, they have assisted in the destruction of an American family. Little Johnny will never see his mother again because they put in an order for a blonde haired, blue eyed little boy. The Fuhrer would  be so proud! Next, we legislate! We destroy the system that has perpetuated this atrocity. We force CPS to abide by the law, and not just when we catch them lying and stealing but all the time. And put real penalties for those caught misusing the system. Real jail. Real cotton fields and real prison yards! Have watchdog agencies to monitor the actions of Family Court judges and when a disproportionate number of children are removed by that judge, then that judge should be impeached and jailed!  I sat and watched court proceedings just one day and the judge removed one hundred percent of the children brought before her.  I never saw a colder, more unfeeling animal in my life. She literally fed from the human misery she helped to perpetuate.  God forgives, I don't! Then track down, arrest, and incarcerate all criminals from the old CPS system. No statute of limitations. No probation and no plea bargains! Just good old fashioned justice. But before we can do this we must sway the hearts and minds of mainstream America. We must make them see and what they eventually see will be so horrific, so alien, so damning that hopefully when it's all over no child will every be subjected ever again to the abomination we have come to know as the CPS!

The attack on Texas Families

Who can define the utter hopelessness one feels when the CPS comes calling. In a moment of time a family's life changes completely, never to be the same again. An intrusion that is directly proportional to the innocence of the family. We all have seen obviously abused children. The ones with wounds and scars, both physical and mental, that need to be in a better place. Those are easy, but what about the homes where everything is neat. Homes where daddy works and mommy cooks and cleans. Homes where everyone comes to breakfast fully dressed and, weather permitting, breakfast is on the patio. Then the knock comes. Legal advice is " don't let them in, don't talk to them without your attorney." Consider that for a moment. In such a home hospitality is usually the norm. You give change to all the college kids coming by selling magazines to help with their tuition. You hold get togethers with your friends. You have Tupperware parties. So when the knock comes and you gaze upon the properly dressed lady with her little clip board naturally you just let her in. You have nothing to hide. Or do you? You contribute to the police fund, you drop change in the boot when the firemen are doing their drive, so why should you fear this woman that works for the state you support? Once her toe crosses your threshold your life will never be the same. She will assume the allegations against you are sound and it is her job to build a case which will eventually end with the loss of your children, and ultimate destruction of your home and family. She is not there to "clear" up any misunderstandings, she is there to place your children in a predesignated spot with people who have already picked your children from a menu. She is a liar. She is a person void of all human understanding and compassion and she is jealous of your home, your car, your very life! She has a maze of rules and regulations which all basically say she has the right to do just about anything she wants to, and her level of fervor is directly proportional to the marketability of your children!  She is in your home, about to destroy your life and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it. Every word you say can and will be used against you, and if you don't say enough, no problem, she will add some of her own and her opinion has weight in family court, and friend, that is where you're heading.  A half empty vodka bottle is noted and you have to drug test and take alcohol classes. Your wife yells up the stairs to your daughter that she had better clean up her room and she has to take anger management. YOU ask, "What in God's name are you talking about?" and she quickly labels you as "aggressive" and you will see the day when this nice lady at the door advises your wife to divorce you on the promise that she may get her children back IF she takes that advice and follows the "safety plan." I have seen all of these things personally! I have seen CPS out and out lie to achieve their ends. I have seen them overrule a Doctor who wrote textbooks on his specialty. I have seen them go into court with no case at all and remove children from mansions on just their " reason to believe." I have seen children DIE at the hands of a pedophile hand picked and blessed by the CPS!  And why do we permit this? We let this happen because most normal, productive, responsible people simply cannot believe that such an organization really exists in America. Most sane individuals are too busy raising their families and hoping their kids get into the best university so they can do even better than they did. Most Americans simply have too much on their plate to worry about the lady at the door because they simply haven't done anything wrong! But then it all changes. All of your dreams, all of your hopes, all of your memories, gone forever. Gone because someone called a hotline and made an unsubstantiated allegation and invited the Devil into your life. Your two year old will be drugged. Your teenage daughter will be raped. Your wife will lead a lonely, state regulated life until her untimely death.  Even paroled bank robbers get a better deal than that!  You don't want this to happen? Good, neither do we. Join us! Learn about the CPS system. Join activist groups. Read legislation. Be aware of every CPS worker and foster parent in your neighborhood. Write your congressman and if he or she doesn't respond write again! Let them know that you are NOT under CPS investigation and you will NOT sit by and watch these "people" kidnap, rape, and kill any more little Texans! Young newlyweds, do YOU want to bring a child into this state right now? New mother, did you know that you could come under scrutiny because you smoke cigarettes? Young father, did you know that you could lose your baby because you and a close friend got into a shouting match on your patio concerning the upcoming election?  Wake up people! Let's change this.  Grassroots support for our groups and organizations is growing. We have moved past the shouting and yelling stage and responsible, sane, Christian legislators in Austin are beginning to take a look. It won't all change at once. We know that. To dismantle a criminal organization like this will take time and a lot of hard work. I wish Governor Perry could just end all of this with one swipe of his pen but I know he can't. But I know he is a good man, and I know he is a smart man, and I know that if he sees a groundswell of support for the modification of CPS procedure he is politician enough to jump on board!  It could start with a simple bit of legislation. Mandate that whenever a CPS worker comes to your home a police officer must accompany. A police officer with the power to arrest WHOMEVER breaks the law! That's not unreasonable, do you think? There are more things that can be done, but let's just start with that one, simple, common sense step.  My prayer is that one day the CPS will be a dim part of the past. I pray that on the Capitol grounds in Austin a statue be placed. A stature of a little girl, sitting on a bench, reading a book with her grandfather. And the inscription will read, "In memory of all the children, lost to CPS, who's names are known but to God" Ladies and gentlemen my generation will never live down what we have allowed these people to do to our children. We will be damned forever, and I accept that, but by GOD I am NOT going to sit by idly and watch another generation be destroyed by merciless, animalistic criminals who long ago lost the right to walk among good, Christian men and women.  May God have mercy on their souls!